New life

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*nobody's POV*

Kirishima and bakugou are walking back silently with an awkward aura surrounding them, they  don't  say anything . They can't say anything the tension between them was two heavy, after today bakugou couldn't look him in the eyes . Could he? Kirishima on the other hand was to shocked to even try and talk. He was still processing the situation, the big ,strong  and mighty Bakugou was being abused by his own flesh and blood. How could it be possible .

The two finally arrived at Bakugou new home , kirishima said  "I know it's not much but hope fully it will do for now..." Bakugou enters the small apartment "it's fine Kirishima" Bakugou replied . Kiri shown Baku his room and life him to unpack, Kiri went down stares to cook something for them to eat. This was baku's chance he quickly rummaged through the box that he packed and got his blades.

*bakugou's POV*

As soon as I pull my sleeve up I can see red lines still fresh , I bring the still sharp blade to my wrist and push down as a drag it across my wrist . Even though I have finally made it out of that place, I still feel awful now, I can't be fixed.....I can't be fixed anymore. Ever since dad died she has been like this  abusive, alcoholic, druggie and different. She used to care she used to hug me , she used to pick me up after school she used to feed me breakfast and dinner , she used to give me pocket money. All the things I took for granted , now there gone and I'm here .... here with nothing. I start cutting harder , I lost track of time . SHIT!!!! Kiri could of walked in at any time. It's been two hours. I grad a bandage from the box and wrap my cuts from my self and my mum. 

I begin to pack away one thing at a time I put my bedding on my new bed and put what little clothes I have away, after I was finished I changed  into some more comfortable clothes than just lay down. I let all the fear the guard and facade I hade up melt away, I let the realization of what I just did sink in. I let me realize that my best friend one of the only people that like me my crush, see me get beat by my own mother... my emotions got the better of me and I started sobbing into my pillow . At that moment I just wanted to disappear, I felt nothing . I felt numb.

*kirishima's POV*

I hear sobbing more on the crying side coming from Baku's room, I feel a sad feeling twist inside my stomach. I can't leave him there and suffer alone , but he also needs  time to Him self... I think for a little bit, no bakugou needs me . I slowly open the door just enough to see through, he's just crying alone . I open the door and walk-in I don't think he noticed me, because he is still crying . I pat his back, I have always been good at comforting people. I draw him into a tight hug "hey it's ok now Katsuki it's all fine, in here now"(anyone get my reference) I say in a soothing voice.

Soon enough the crying becomes heavier, bakugou is crying onto my shoulder. Clinging on to me for dear life, it hurts so much. I care about bakugou more than any one before, he shouldn't be allowed to feel this way... I love him too much to let him feel this way. I need to protect him. "Hey bakugou"I ask "do you want to go and eat something? I've already made something." There was no words exchanged but I could feel him slowly nod his head on my shoulder. He gets up with the help of me , we walk to the table and I set the food out. We eat in silence, there was no need for words the silence was to peaceful.

*nobody's POV*

erasure head and all might have just finished every body else's house except bakugou's and kirishima's  , the teachers were going to ask about the dorms because of the villain attack.                          They knock on mitsuki bakugou's door, the woman opens the door. When she dose the teachers could basically taste the alcohol it was that strong . The woman had a sent of alcohol, drugs and cheep perfume . "Oh come on in sweetie" she said in a kind voice, the teachers walk in and take a seat on the couch. Soon after Mitsuki joins them, "so we're here to talk about you sun." Izawa started " we were wondering if he could move into the UA dormitory system designed to keep the students safe." Mitsuki looked at them for a second thinking before answering. "Oh I'm sorry but I don't know where he is, he ran way with his friend. The boy had red hair that was stiles up wards. But I don't know where they are now." She said in a nice voice all might replied to the obesely fake sorrow "oh don't worry miss bakugou we know the boy he is in his class his name is Eijiro kirishima we are headed to him next anyway". They chatted for a little bit longer than left.

*kiri's POV*

Me and Baku are just watching a movie, we decided on a comedy after bakugou explained to me what happened. "Hey bakugou" I said "yes kirishima" Baku asked "can you call my Eijiro" I asked. Holy shit I just asked that omg why did I just say that, fuck. "Sure only if you call me Katsuki" he answer "o-ok Kats"*knock* *knock* * knock* . I sigh and get up ,  slowly walk to the door and answer. Oh it's mr izawa and all might. Are they here to get bakugou to take him back to his mum "Oh sir come in" I say while inviting them in they walk in. And I see bakugou he has a wtf face on him, "Eijiro why are the teachers here" he asks in worry "umm I don't know Katsuki" I reply. Almost on que Izawa says "we're here to talk about moving the student into dorms for safety reasons." He states , bakugou instantly calms down . After a little while of talking we decide to go into the dorm, even tho bakugou was hesitant. " oh and one more thing before we leave, young bakugou why did you leave your mum . We need to take you back" all might says . My heart stops, no he can't  go back . I look at bakugou " should We tell them " I say  he nods with fear plastered on his face . "Izawa , all might he cant go back" I say "why young kirishima" all might says concerned. I look at bakugou he nods and buts in "because" he starts ".....b-because........she's an abusive piece of shit" he stays silent for a second "ever since my dad died she started drinking a lot and well hit me" the teachers stay silent. The rest of what happened is a blur I don't remember any of it . 

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