Fear me b:

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Firstly happy Halloween for tomorrow and if it isn't near Halloween hen your reading have a great day

*bakugou POV*

How could I sound so weak in front of someone let them find out my secret as well the ash blond thought as he dug his nails in his arm trying to calm his shaky hands . Ok calm down todoroki isn't the type to tell people about this stuff (After school) . I walk back to my house when I bump into kirishima "hi shityhair" I say to kiri (to tired of life tho wright his full name) "yo bakubro" kiri reply (btw this the  time before the dorms after the kid napping tho ) . Wanna hang out at the park with the rest of the squad , "whatever" I say to kiri "cool I'm going to tell them your coming I'll pick you up from your house at 6pm ok?" Kiri asks " ok" I say and walk off. I arrive home I walk in silently . I don't have the need to be loud here , I walk in the living room with caution. She's asleep on the couch . I walk up stairs I will get in trouble for waking her and leaving her so I'll save the beating . I feel tired I'm exhausted after today . I fall asleep , my first mistake .

*kiri POV*

Time to pick bakugou up I think as a start walking to his house , I start thinking what we gonna do once we get there. I'm almost there when I here "NO MOM PLEASE WHAT DID I DO" by an unknown source then a blood curdling scream . The voice who it belong to was young about my age and was raspy kinda like bakug...... wait BAKUGO !!!!!! I follow the stream to Bakugo's house " shut up you weak ass brat"A female voice . I try the handle .... shit locked . I look through the window  my face dropped , I snap out of it and nock on the door ......... silence , very uneasy un comfortable silence "ONE MINUTE" the female voice shouts , a older looking female bakugou opens the door .definitely bakugou's house ..... sadly "what do you need sweetie" Mitsuki asks "oh ummm I'm here for bakugou"I say in an awkward tone "ok one sec" Mitsuki says "brat get your ass down here!!!!!" She yells from the corner of the door I see a shaken scared bakugou. He returns to his normal angry posture when he sees me . "Let's go shityhair" the bottle blond boy says "don't call your friend that" Mitsuki says "ok" he replied. We left not turning back

*Mina POV* 

I'm waiting at the park with denki and Sero when I see kiri and bakugou  "HEY GUYS" I yell at them , bakugou had a dark hoodie a beanie and sweat pants on and a bandage on his face . " hey bakugou it's a heat wave , not Christmas" denki says , almost as if asking if he's ok. "IM FINE PIKACHU" he replies venom in he voice "ok chill you beens" I yell pissing him of more . We all laugh and joke about . EVERY ONE EXEPT KIRI AND BAKUGOU..... 

 Sorry was rushed at end have a amzing day

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