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(Baku POV only play song when told to plz ^ - ^)

I heard in alarm go of I opened my eyes and saw the pitch black, I looked at my alarm it was quite but I was a light sleeper. I turned it of to look at my screen which was on the lowest brightness so it didn't hurt my eyes. It was that way so when I woke up at when my alarm was set, (5.00 am) my mum would be able to see or hear it. So I also go to sleep really early, other people tease me but they wouldn't if they knew the truth. I struggle to get up, I don't see a point. The world has no place for me.......my eyes flutter shut, I try to move but my body won't let me. I'm not tired... not fiscally anyway. I stir before deciding to get my sorry ass up. I grouchy walk to my wardrobe and get dressed.

I don't really have a reason for setting my alarm so early anymore but my body has gotten used to the time schedule, I have created for my self. No matter how hard I try I can't snap out of it, my sleep schedule has caused me to be really sleep deprived. It's hard to study and pay attention in class. I still work my self to the bone though, I don't deserve a brake.

Then a soft voice broke me out of my thoughts " bakugou?...." kirishima asks questionably "what  are you doing up at this time" I look towards the sleepy boy, I quickly search my mind for an answer. But in the end I just said "oh.....it's nothing". I watch the figure sink back in his bed, I put my shoes on. I quietly walk out, I go down stairs and make some food for everyone. No body knows I'm the one that cooks, because I do it when everyone is asleep, but they seem to like my food so.

(A few hours later in class)

"Good morning class" Izawa says "I have an announcement we are going to be holding a talent competition, we are going to be holding it at a theater in town only family is aloud. And it will be streamed on live television....... that's all" he zips up his neon yellow sleeping bag and falls asleep. As soon as he goes to sleep the class erupts into chatter and laughter. The class went into there own little groups, I thought about going to my little squad but I decided otherwise. I wanted to think about the up coming competition and wether or not I was going to sign up. I search in my small bag, scrap out a notepad. I go and search through the pages till I find a certain page filled I graze over it. I realize it's what I was looking for.

Some shittly put together lyrics I sigh. It will have to do, then in the corner of my eye I see a bush of red hair go towards me "hey Bakugou" he says with a big cheer full grin on his face "wanna partner up with me" I didn't know what to do. "I'm sorry Kirishima but I need a female voice in my performance" I say, even though I rejected him his eyes light up "so you do want to do I thought you would regent the idea completely" he says excitedly. I just stare at him for a second before I feel heat creep to my face "what of course not!!!.... well maybe I don't know yet" I say. The look on his face was just too cute, he actually looks like an angle "Bakugou, you ok" he asked looking at me sweetly. 

He thinks to him self before smiling evilly "i love you bakuuugggggoooooo" he says before kissing my cheek. I light up like a Christmas decoration, I push his face away and yell "WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT YOU BASTARD" my face was burning. He ran off laughing, I chase him around the class room. The rest of the class look at us with a fond look and laughter fills the room. "Kirishima what the hell did you do" Denki asks I see Kirishima laugh. He opens his mouth to speak, before he can, I jump at him "Kirishima don't you dare" I yell sending us both to the ground. I was on top of him, quickly jumped of him. "Kirishima kissed Bakugou on the cheek" I here a monotone voice say. I turn around to see todoroki, every one laughs

(Later when stuff calmed down)

I wanted to join. I wrote a song on my life not to long ago and it was pretty good. (credit to the artist) I need a female voice tho, I thought for a second before approaching Jirou. She looked at me before I explained. She agreed " yea sure we can practice after school in my dorm" I smirked before walking away. I sat down before scanning over the lyrics one last time.  

(After school)

I walked to Jirou's room with her, we arrived her room was filled with instruments and mics and things. " ok so show me the song, and we can get started". I nod " ok but I wrote it my self so you need to tell me how it is". She agrees, Jirou looks over the lyrics not yet composed. She gives a question able look " you sure about this it's a bit depressing" she continues " I mean the lyrics are really good this could pass as an actual song let me just tweak a little bit" she looks up at me "yea sure....on and thanks" I say  " no prob lets get started then" she says.

( the next day at school)

I sat with 'Baku squad' denki chimed in with his stupid ideas. " we need a code word for danger.... how about angle the more you say it in a sentence the more danger!!!" He shouts making me jump " that's a grate idea but why angle" kirishima asks "because it sounds like your praying or being sarcastic" he thinks "for example your in danger on the battle field you could say, 'god send a angle' sound like your praying or you could say 'oh your such an angle' sarcastically to them" he says

He sounds like a complete fool but he has a point. Mina chimes in " denki...... that it's A GRATE IDEA" she yells "oh and Kirishima I just want to congratulate you for the smooth move yesterday" she says snickering. "Haha yea" Kirishima says rolling His eyes jokingly.

(The time of the performance)

I'm so nervous. I start shaking , I feel a warmth wrap around my hand. I look up to see Kirishima smiling at me. "All right viewers let's give it up for the next performers Bakugou and Jirou!!!!" President mic yells I walk on stage and start singing .

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