Suffer :3

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(Bakugou's POV)

I was sat alone in my room and I was on Facebook and I saw a post and it read 'Bakugou is never going to become a hero' I started to read it just said that I would be better of as a villain because I am so 'angry' all the time. They started saying how I wasn't good enough. When I finished I was in tears, I saw some of the comments. The top comment read OMG so true he is honestly a bitch to every one he should go die. It was by uraraka, it had a lot of likes. The rest of comments were similar to that. I switched my phone of, I couldn't read anymore. I cried and cried the pain was unbearable my mind was fuzzy I didn't feel anything I didn't even feel sad...... I felt ,numb ,like static from a tv.

*trigger warning*

I plugged my headphones in to attempt to block out all the whisper in my head 'cut you deserve it' no...... 'your just a worthless villain' no......  'you should just hang your self' no............ 'no one will miss you sorry ass' no!! 'Even your dad doesn't love you that's why he died' NO!!!!!! I rush over to my bed. I reach under it, I feel a small box. I slid the box out, the song changes to hate my self by nf.

I sit down with the music pounding in my ears. Blocking out all the noise around me. I grab a paint stripper blade, I examined it for a second before bringing it to my pale scared arm. I pushed hard on my arm before pulling making a deep gash. My mind was fuzzy I couldn't think so I repeated the action again and again, then suddenly. I saw light seep in coming from the direction of the door.

IM SORRY ITS SO SHORT I have been dealing with some stuff and I wanted to publish a chapter still again SORRY

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