The end

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Bakugou's POV

It was still dark out side when I woke up I didn't need to get up yet. I checked to theme on my phone 4:00 am. Oh great I thought, I went on Facebook cause I was bored. I saw a strange post.

Bakugou Katsuki is the worst he is too angry and he hates on everyone! He should just disappear.a single tear slipped from my eye, I remember thinking he I wish. I turned off my phone, I didn't want to go on social media anymore. I got dressed and headed to the common room, I was the only one there in the fully lit common room. I decided to make breakfast for everyone for when they woke up.

When I finished making  the pancakes I set them on plates. I decided to just sit down on the couch after that, then people started to slip into the common room one by one. They all dug into there food, I decided to try to go on instagram this time because I was bored. I went on and the next thing I saw shocked me. 

Bakugou  Katsuki abused by his mum, it wasn't just that though there was also all my other secrets too witch only a select few new. I was going to report it but then I realized it had already gone viral. 

I dropped my phone as all the colour drained from my face. Then it hit me only a few people knew that mean it had to be one of them, only todoroki and kirishima knew about the abuse. I felt like crying, the voices came into my head, they hate you. It repeated over and over and over. Then a voice snapped me out of my train of thoughts.

"Hey dude are you all right" Denki asked me.

"Oh yea I'm I'm fine" my voices cracked a little when a said it. Denki could tell I was out of it and decided to give me space. How I wish I could turn back time...........

I still went to school, as soon as I walked into the class room all eyes were on me, or at least it felt like it. Was it because of the pose on Instagram did they see it! I remember thinking. There was this awkward aura on about half of the class. I was panicking so much, but non of them mentioned anything so I assumed I was good. Class flew by quickly. Jirou walked up to me.

"So the talent show is tomorrow are you nervous" she asked awkward looking away 

"No why would I be" I said back with false conference I was so scared but I couldn't drop out now. 

I decided not to eat today. I quickly and quietly walked to the roof, it was peaceful up there and high..... I plugged my earphones in and listened to my playlist. My playlist mostly consisted of Courtney Parker, cave town and nf there was a few others like b-mike though. I loved those songs. 

(The next day)

I woke up it was bright out side witch was unusual. I felt good, I got dressed and walked down stairs. I didn't bother with breakfast like always, people were still looking at me. When we arrived at school izawa taken us to this theater. There were people who were in the seats who wanted to see what we could do good aside from our quirks.Before I went on uraraka and Mineta came up to me. 

"Don't even try" uraraka said (I'm sorry my child I love you) "there's no point"

"Yea go home to your lovely  mommy, oh wait I forgot your too weak to fight back" Mineta said while giggling 

Uraraka looked shocked at Mineta as he laughed. He found it so funny but she didn't.

"Go kill your self you deserve it for being suck a villain" the he carried on.  I was going to cry maybe I will I thought to my self. I ran away i could faintly hear uraraka shouting at Mineta something  along the lines of that was to far even for you. I ran back to the dorms, I went into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. Then I want into mine and Kirishima room and grabbed my antidepressants. I taken all the pills one by one, then to make sure I won't survive I slit my wrist about 5cm deep to my wrist to the inside of my elbow on both. 

I realized what I had done. Wait I wasn't thinking...... I didn't want to go, I got the first aid kit and wrapped it tightly,I need to purge the medicine up then go to the hospital it will do for now I though. Kirishima opened the door.

"Bakugo you here?" He asked in worried voice. I opened the door to the bathroom and walked out. 

"I'm here..." I said, Bakugo I are you okay uraraka told me you ran out upset. This was the only place that I hadn't checked yet. I fell onto Kirishima. He looked scared as I held my arm in pain.

"Ki-kiri" I said while I looked at my arm just as scared as he was "am scared" I said as the blood was hushing out of the bandage. Kirishima garbed his phone and called an ambulance. Then I passed out.....

"Or at least I think that's how he would of told his story" Kirishima said while looking terry eyed at the teenage girl who was the daughter of Mina. 

"What happened to him" the 15 year old girl said. Kirishima thought for a few minutes while drying his eyes

"Follow me" he said as he walked out of the house and walks bakugou.

"He's right here" he said while he looks at the plain gray stone in the ground that read Bakugo Katsuki. Kirishima started crying.

"I still miss him so much" he said " I love you Bakugo" they both talked for a little while before leaving the grave yard. It's been 18 years since you died and I'm sorry..... I'm sorry I wasn't there for you he thought but I won't let that happen again..... you encouraged us all to become the pro hero's we deserve to be so thank you.

The end.

Hi guys sorry I ended it like this but I felt bad for just leaving you without up date if and it needed an ending sooooo yep   

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