Merry Christmas :3

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(Bakugou's POV time skip 2 hours later)

I am in the dorm with kirishima and I'm just unpacking, there is an awkward tension between us. But I see why, he literally found me bleeding out. Oh well...... he probably hates me now, I don't care. I feel a wet tear run down my face, maybe I do care. "Bakugou are you ok your crying" kirishima asks...... I don't answer, I can't answer. I feel warm arms around me, this is the most comfort I have had in years. I start sobbing, I can't, it's just so hard. "Go to sleep I will pack the rest, ok" he says. I usually would insist on doing it but I'm to tired to fight back, I agree and lay down in my bed.

(The next day)

It's lunch time. So I head to the cafeteria, as soon as a walk in the scent of food overwhelms  me. I feel as if something bad is about to happen, but I go sit with the Bakusquad any way. I sit down as soon as I do "HEY BAKUGOU!" I hear a female voice shout I jump. "Haha scared ya" I turn to see who it is, it's just Mina. We joke around until "Hey bakugou how come ya never eat during lunch" Sero asks, fuck ummmmmmmm "I eat at home the food here is awful" I say quickly clearly panicked, Sero catches on "really because you have been getting awfully thin lately" then kirishima steps in " Hey Sero maybe you should" "should I what he obviously isn't eating at home". I have had enough I stand up with a thud and run out.

(Kirishima's POV)

Shit shit, I look at Sero before running after bakugou. The rest of the class doesn't know about the suicide attempts, or the abuse. They don't know anything. I have to find him who knows what he could do, I see him he is heading to the first floor. I run after him, he goes outside. I see him sit down under a tree, I decide to just wait before I do anything. One wrong move could make it worse.

(Play song now)

I'm a dumb teen boy I eat eat sticks and rocks and mud.

 I don't care about the government, and I really need a hug.

I feel stupid, ugly pretend it doesn't bother me.

I'm not very strong, but I'll fuck you up if your mean to bugs.

It's getting cold, here under neath the wether. 

I skipped class to sit with you, I really like your spotty sweater.

If ladybugs are girls how do you make kids together.

What's it like in a female world, I bet it's just so much better.

I just turned 14 and I think this year I'm gonna be  mean .

Don't mess with me I'm a big boy now and I'm very scary. 

I punch my walls stay out at night and I do karate.

Don't message me cause I won't reply I'm gonna make you cry.

An't  how it's supposed to be tho it isn't me, boys will be bugs right.

I'm a dumb teen boy all I want to do I'd quit.

My dad told that he's worried and I couldn't give a shit.

I have friends who under stand me there names are spider, beetle, bee. 

They don't say much but they have always listened to me.

 The other boys at school think it's cool to hate your parents but there lying all the time.

The bugs advise me I should let them.   

If you want to cry make sure that they never see it, or even better yet buck it out and never feel it.

I just turned 14 and I think I know every thing.

Don't mess with me I'm a big boy now and I'm very scary.

I punch my wall stay out at night and I do karate.

Don't message me cause I won't reply want to make you cry. 

That's how it's supposed to be tho it isn't me boys will be bugs right.

Just turned 14 and I think this year I'm gonna be mean.

Just turned 14 and I think I know everything.

Just turned 14 and I think this year I'm gonna be mean.

Just turned 14 and I think the world revolves around me.

Don't mess with me I'm a big boy now and I'm very scary.

I punch my wall stay out at night and I do karate.

Don't message me cause I won't reply.

An't that's how it is supposed to be tho it isn't me boys will be bugs right.

(Repeat 1)

(kirishima's POV)

"Wow bakugou your great at singing" I say without even thinking. I see the thin boy jump. He turns around, I see tears stained on he cheeks. "You ok bro" I ask I know he isn't I just don't know what else to say, I have never been in a situation like this. " shut up!" He yells "of course I'm not fine and you know why ,so why are you asking"....... he's right "I'm sorry just" I start . He just turns around, I sit next to him. Now I see it how thin he is, he has large purple circle's under his eyes.(like me lol) I see his sleeve is rolled up, and crimson lines on them. He look so weak and sad, I can't bear to see him like this. Then I get a very unexpected question "why do you care about me.......I'm just nothing" how do I respond to that. " I ummm, it's because" heat rises on my cheeks " because,I like you bakugou" I see sock on his red face "w-what"

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