En Helllppppp

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She drags the frail boy home. As soon as he getters in she throws him a cross the room "YOU LITTLE FUCKER" she screams, "how dear you run away from me!!!!!! You worthless, ugly villain." the teen is shaking and crying. He runs to the bathroom and locks the door, he sits in the corner and weeps.

(3hours later kiri PoV)

I'm sat in the dorms with sero we were watching movies, I don't want to be alone or I'll worry more. "Do you want anything to drink" I say. "Yea" he replies "can you go and get a bubble tea please". I get up and walk of before I exit he says "I'll pick a movie for us" I exit.

(No one POV )

Now is my chance I go to Bakugou's side of the room and quickly search the draws I see nothing. Then a check the wardrobe he saw a box. He opens the small box to find, three books they looked like diary's. He quickly shoved them in his bag to read later, he needed to know what was going on with bakugou. He went to the tv stand and quickly pulled out the matrix, He sat down and waited for kirishima to come back. The door creaked open and kiri came back with two drinks, he sat down Sero slid the disk in. The black haired boy realize that He forgot his phone charger at my dorm "one sec I forgot something at my dorm." Sero says before walking out the room, He quickly grabbed my charger. Half way back to kiri's dorm he got an idea he went into the bathroom. He locked the stall and got the first diary he read the first entry.

Dear diary

Today has been a long day at school, I got beat up again but I'm used to it. I should probably stick up for my self more, it's Been two months since dad died. It was my fault if I hadnt detracted him while driving he wouldn't have crashed, mum has realized this she gets drunk a lot. She always hits me, she is always away all night and comes back with random guys. Well I found a solution ,maybe if I cut my arms enough I will be let free. Every time I go into class there is horrible words written on my desk, I get paper insults thrown at me and beat up a lot.

Your sincerely bakugou Katsuki 

He was horrified for bakugou he has been through so much, Sero flick to the last entry in that book.

Dear diary....

My mum found out I was gay, she screamed at me at the top of her lungs. She stabbed me four times I think, its a miracle I'm alive writing this. I was lucky I was able to crawl to bathroom in time I found the first aid kit before I bled out, is it even luck I survived maybe I deserve to die I'm worthless. Mum called me a fag, the only reason I'm aloud to live in her house is because I'm her punching bag. Maybe I should of let my self bleed out.

Bye I guess.

He walk back to kiri's door before He go in He wipes his watery eyes so there was no trace of tears. "What took you so long" he says. "Oh sorry about that, I went to bathroom".

(Bakugou's POV) 

The banging on the door wouldn't stop it kept getting louder and louder, eventually I heard.              a crack.i looks over to the door and it was braking. The door flew open, the woman that was one eye my mother threw the bottle at me it hit me in the head. I look at her she was holding a knife she walked up to me, before I could blink I felt a sharp sting in my leg. I screamed she put her hand over my mouth, she looked at me with sadistic eyes. The I see blood seeping from my stomach as she stabbed there. She carried on throwing punches at me until I couldn't move a lot she walked out and left me to rot. My collapsed dying corps only dearly managed to Grab a first aid kit. (Two hours later) I was finished healing my self, I stumbled into bed and slept. I set an alarm about an hour before my mum usually wakes.

It was just loud enough to wake me so she shouldn't hear it since I'm a light sleeper. ( a couple hours later). I woke up the sound of a faint alarm next to me. I quickly shut it off and get dressed, walk into the bathroom and shove the first aid kit into my bag, the front doors always locked. So I go to my room and jump out the window, my legs hurt like shit from that but I can still walk. I make my way to the UA dorms. (Btw when Kiri was a sleep sero put the books back) I unlock my dorm to see Kiri and sero there a sleep, sero is on the floor and kiri is on his bed. I slip in my bed and go on my phone, I was so lucky I kept it at the dorms or else it would be smashed to bits.

   (In the morning Kiri pov)                                                                                                                                                     

I woke up and I saw some one in Bakugou bed, I look to see sero he is still on the floor. Wait.......that can only mean, I jump up and see it's Bakugou. I run up to him and hug him in his sleep, he jolts awake and hisses in pain. I jump back "are you all right Bakugou!!!!!!" I shout forgetting sero was there. Sero jumps awake "what the hell man" he looks at Bakugou "Bakuhoe your back"

(No one POV)

Sero tells baku he knows what happens with his mum cause he read the diary. Kiri looks betrayed, after they all clear it up Bakugou shows the two his bandages. "Bakugou we should go to recovery girl" sero says "yea let's go"  Kiri agrees " ok, as long as you don't tell her who done it" Baku says. "Why bakugou look what  she has done to you" kiri says  "I don't want her to go to jail"Baku reply's 

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