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(Bakugou's POV) ujjj

I rushed to the bathroom,I couldn't put up with this. A roommate omg what happens if they see the cuts or anything. I go into the nearest stall. (Trigger warning) I grab a small blade from my pocket and I put it to my arm. I push deep on my skin and drag it along, before I know it there is about 18 deep cuts on my arm. I see the crimson blood dribble to the floor, shit I'm bleeding out. I need to stop the bleeding but there is just so much, nonononono. Fuck.

(Kirishiiiiiiiiiiiimaaaaaaaaaaaaa'S POV btw kiri onto corrected to Kirishiiiiiiiiiiiimaaaaaaaaaaaaa so ya)

Bakugou has been gone for about 15 minutes now, I'm really worried about him. So I put my hand up and ask "mr Izawa can I go look for bakugou he has been gone for quite a bit now" . Mr Izawa agrees so I go, I walk out of the classrooms to the bathrooms. I open the door and look at the stalls there is only one stall occupied. it has a red liquid on the floor? Wtf is that blood. I knock on the stall " bakugou you in there?" I ask . God I hope it isn't bakugou, I hear a weak panicked voice come from the stall "k-kirishima". What's going on in there "you ok". No reply "bakugou"plz say that isn't blood "bakugou answer me please". No reply, oh my god. I knock for a little while, the knocking gets more frantic. Soon  it's Fulton banging on the stall door, fuck it. I brake the door down, I see a red puddle. I also see bakugou passed out with some really deep cuts on his arm. Fuck no no no, I pick him up and run to recovery girl.

(Bakugou's POV)

I wake up with to a bright light that strains my eyes, I look around to see kirishima asleep next to me. There is a bandage around my arm, i here a voice come from behind me "that was so dangerous! You could of died"I feel something hit my head. I turn around to see recovery girl holding a rolled up news paper "well recovery girl that was kinda the point" I say with venom in my voice. Kirishima stirs next to me, he flutters open his beautiful ruby eyes "b-bakugou" he says with tears in his eyes he hugs me tightly. I feel water on my shoulder, is he crying. " I was so scared" he says "don't ever do that to me again" . The crying dies down "why should I your the only person who is my friend" I say. Why dose he like me anyway I'm nothing. "One you have the rest of the Bakusquad there your friends, and because........ I-I like you bakugou, as in more than friends" my heart jumps. I feel my face go red, omgggg " I feel the same"

(Time skip after school Kiri POV)

"Ok students I will be giving you your room mates" mr Izawa started. "First Midoryia and todoroki, Bakugou and Kirishima, Denki and Sero, tokoyami and Mineta on .................................... And for the girls Momo and Jirou, tsu and Uraraka and Mina and invisible girl."   yes I'm with Bakugou, I look over to see Bakugou smiling happily 

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