W-what's going on

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*bakugou's POV*

Mina Sero and denki are all having fun. Good for them I guess ......  it kiri isn't he keeps on zoning out and he seems worried. I look at the rest of the squad I catch kiri sterling at me , he looks away quickly. "Hey can I do my best bakugou impression" denki asks "yes"Mina says "no" Sero replies " ok then.... you asked for it" denki says "I'm Bakugo and I dead angry die die die"  Mina dies of laughter and Sero just kinda stares at him

That hurt like shit I'm so mean, I'm a villain, "shut up you discounted  pikachu!!!" I yell not really meaning it  "chill bro"Sero says trying to calm me down . I sit down throwing. A pretend fit ... "are you really have I got a fit" denki asks. They all laugh ........ we all throw playful insults at each other as well as joking and goofing about. the sun starts to set so I can barely see beyond an out line of my friends. SHIT ITS SO LATE IM GOING TO HAVE SUCH A BAD BEATING . I start to panic "you ok bakugou" Mina asks worry in her voice "im....fine"I reply "you sure"denki asks "I said I'm fine!!!!"  

*kirishima's POV* 

"I said I'm fine!!!!" Bakugou yells "calm down bakubro" I say "but seriously  are you alright" I know he's not but I don't want to sound suspicious "I'm fine...."he says calmer now . (An hour later ) the ready of the squad is leaving . "Hey shityhair I'm going now" . I can't let him leave he is not going back there "wait!!!!" I say 

"What is it kirishima" he says . wait he said my name!! "You know before" I start " when I picked you up I heard some one shouting so I looked through the window and........ well I saw you know" I saw his face drop to pure horror "if it helps you can live with me until we move into the dorms" a say he looked relived  " yes but what about packing..." i think for a moment "I will come with you then" I say cheerfully 

*nobody's POV*

Kiri and Bakugo walk to Baku's house (again I got tired of weighting the full name) . Kiri nocks on to have an angry Mitsuki opening the door with rage. She sees Kiri and calms down "what can I do for you sweetie" she asks "umm bakugou is staying by my house until we move to the dorms"  Kiri states "I'm sorry but he can't" she says with fake sorrow "and what will your parents say" she adds on. "Firstly that wasn't a question secondly I live alone" kiri says " lastly we're going to pack now" . Kiri drags Baku up the stairs (once they pack) . They walk down stairs there wasn't much in baku's room there was clothes and draws the rest was destroyed .

What kiri didn't notice was a variety of blades that Baku packed without him noticing it consisted of , an box cutter a flip knife , 3 razors and a pencil sharpener blade. Baku got their stuf by stealing it or saving up the little money he had . They bump into Mitsuki and she puts on fake sadness to cover the anger " my little brat I'll miss you come visit me for Christmas ok"  . Kiri drags him off before he can reply. So they begin setting of for Kiri's apartment.

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