Chapter One - A Letter to my Non-Existent Lover

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-Izuku POV- During Lunch period
I pick up my pen, firmly gripping it in my hand, and touch it down to the paper. I think of what to write. I sigh and begin to move my hand, the pen leaving dark, black marks on the paper.
'Dear Soulmate,
I love you-'
I sigh in frustration, crumpling up the paper and -yeeting- throwing it into a nearby trash can. Let's try again-
'Dear Soulmate,
Hello, my name is Izuku Midoriya. You may not know me or be familiar with me, but I would like to get to know you!-'
Ok, better. But even so, it needs to be even better. So I continue writing.-
'I am currently attending UA, and have been attending for a while now. I really do like it here! What school do you attend? I'd like to know. I was born quirkless, but after a few years I eventually developed a quirk-' What? Do you expect me to tell a stranger that I'm One for All's successor? '- and was able to make it into UA. I'm glad I did! I have lots of great friends here, who all have such unique and amazing quirks! What's your quirk? If you have one, that is. If not, that's okay! I'll still love you the same.

I look forward to meeting you, and hope to meet you soon! Yours truly, Izuku Midoriya.'

I reread my letter, and sigh. "Why do I write this if I have no soulmate?" I ask myself aloud. I crumple the paper up as the bell rings, telling us to get to class. I -yeet- throw it into the trash and begin the walk to class.

I, Izuku Midoriya, have no red string. The red string that would connect me to my soulmate does not exist for me, and I've come to realize that I might as well give up on finding love.

So why do I always write letters to my non-existent lover?

-Tomura POV- At the bar
'Doesn't he EVER stop talking?!' I think to myself. Kurogiri just keeps talking while I find myself daydreaming. I don't know why he keeps talking to us as if we're ACTUALLY gonna be able to destroy All Might and UA and all of those little hero BRATS. I take a deep breath in and stand up. "And WHERE do you think YOU'RE going, Tomura?" Kurogiri gives me a dark glare. I glare back and say, "Out. I need a break from you people."

Before Kurogiri could get another word out, I leave the bar. I sigh a sigh of relief, and begin to wander. Where to go, where to go? I don't wanna cause a disturbance this time, so why not go to the park? Not many people really go there anymore, anyways.

"Okay then," I say to myself, pulling up my hood. "To the park."

-Izuku POV- After School
Kacchan's cruel words dive into my heart like daggers. His laugh booms, echoing throughout the common room. "Kacchan, please-"
"WHAT? ARE YOU GONNA CRY? GO AHEAD LOSER! BUT DON'T EXPECT ANYONE TO COMFORT YOU! NO ONE LOVES YOU, THAT'S WHY YOU HAVE NO SOULMATE!-" I snap at the last remark. How DARE he bring up something that ate at me more than not having a biological quirk. "SHUT UP, KATSUKI!" I shout at him. He stops talking, almost frightened by my sudden outburst. I was surprised, too. Using his real name sounded so... foreign to me. I continue to shout. "FOR ONCE IN YOUR SAD, PATHETIC LIFE WOULD YOU JUST STOP?! FOR YEARS I'VE HAD TO PUT UP WITH YOU AND YOUR STUPIDITY, ALWAYS BULLYING ME JUST BECAUSE I WASN'T AS STRONG AS YOU ARE! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH PAIN AND SUFFERING YOU'VE PUT ME THROUGH?! I... I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" Other students were poking their heads out of their dorms to see what the fighting was about. The room is silent, but soon is filled with whispers and glances at Kacchan and I. I shove past him, heading towards the exit, and leave campus.

But where do I go? After a few minutes of thinking, I settle on the old park I used to go to. No one goes there anymore, so I can probably relax there and take a chill-pill. And, maybe, I can write another stupid letter to my non-existent lover.

Heya! How's it goin'? My name is Thomas, but you can call me TJ. And I will call you my little Jimmothies. Anyways, I'm new to Wattpad and am very excited to start writing here! I will try to update the story as frequently as possible, but I have SCHOOL. Ah, yes, the thing that makes me dread my existence. sigghhhhhhhh...... Anyways!!! I hope that you are enjoying the story and will continue to enjoy all throughout reading it! That being said, I need to start on Chapter 2!!! It's called, "My Tears will be Stopped." I look forward to it, and I hope you do as well!
Bye Bye, Little Jimmothies!
P.S I'll try to make the chapters longer next time! Like I said, first time here. Bye!

Dear Soulmate - A TomuDeku FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now