Chapter Five - I See You in my Dreams

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-Izuku POV- On the phone, being interrogated by classmates (oh boy)
The raspy voice gives me an instant wave of relief. Tomura called at the perfect time. But I can't call him "Tomura" infront of my friends! Think Izuku! Think, think, think!

You know what? Screw it. First name that comes to mind.

"Oh... Daniel! I'm so glad you called!"

"Daniel? Ok, I'm Daniel now."

"Silly Danny! I was just about to call! But right now, I'm in the middle of a... friendly conversation with my friends. I'll call back as soon as I'm alone, and in private." I eye my friends as I say that, letting them know 'Hey guys let me talk to this guy alone,  please!'

"Ok, call soon, though. Love you, bye."

"Bye bye, Danny!"

We hang up. "Will you please... excuse me. I need to step outside." They glance at one another, then let me through. I escape to the outside world, turning around every once in a while to make sure they didn't follow me.

After I'm 100% sure that it's only me, I pull out my phone.

-Tomura POV- In his room
Weird. What does he mean "friendly conversation'? Hmmm...

My phone rings, brining me back to reality. Izuku's calling me, like he said he would. I pick up.

"Alone now?"

"Yeah, I am. I am so glad you called!"

"Oh? Why is that?"

"I kind of forgot to tell them that I'd be going somewhere... So when I came back, they were basically interrogating me about everything! And, I am a TERRIBLE liar. I was just making things up as I went, with no idea what I was doing. You called and got me out of a thirty-minute long lecture!"

I chuckled, thinking of Izuku  frantically searching for the right words to say. How adorable would that be?

"Well," I say. "I just called to make sure that you got back to your dorm safely and to say that I love you."

"I love you, too, Tomura."

We say our goodnights to one another, and hang up. I sigh and flop onto my bed. This damn kid is giving me a case of feelings! God, with his cute freakin' everything!!! I can't believe I'm falling for a hero!

After ten minutes or so of blushing and fanboying over Broccoli Boy, I get changed and head to bed.

-3rd person POV- Dreaming
Izuku and Tomura are outside of a small home, watching snow fall from the sky. They're holding one another close. Tomura's wearing his protective gloves so he can hold his dear Izuku. They're smiling. This is a reality where all is right with the world. They are both happy.

"Mommy, Daddy!" A little girl with green eyes and short, light blue hair in pigtails comes running right up to them. She looks young, maybe 6 or 7. Her face is round and babyish with freckles like Izuku's, and she's tall like Tomura. She's wearing a white turtleneck with red and green stripes on it, orange gloves, and red earmuffs with the words "Red Riot" on them.

"Momma, Dada," She says, out of breath from running, a huge smile plastered on her face. "Look! Wishing flowers!" She holds up a small hand. In it are three fuzzy dandelions. The two men didn't now that the flowers would still be out in this weather. She hands one to Izuku, one to Tomura, and keeps the last for herself.

"I wish that... hmmm... Oh! I wish that I can grow up to be a pro hero like Mom and Dad! I wanna save people like you guys do!" She talks with such joy in her voice that she could be the entire holiday of Christmas itself.

Tomura and Izuku smile at each other. Tomura makes his wish.

"Well, I wish that mommy will be the number one hero one day! Oh wait. He already is." The little girl giggles. "Okay, I wish that we will always be a happy family. Forever and ever!" Tomura leans in and gives the little girl a kiss on he forhead.

"My turn," Izuku says, smiling."I wish... I wish that you and I will be able to live many years together. That we'll be able to grow old as a married couple and watch our little girl become the new number one hero. I love you, Tomura."

"I love you, Izuku." They lean in and kiss, the snow falling around them and landing on the ground. The little girl smiles and giggles. They break the kiss and look at the little girl.

"Come on, Izura," Izuku says. "Let's head in and make some hot chocolate. I heard that Uncle Kacchan and Uncle Kirishima are coming over with their baby girl!" The little girl, Izura, beams at the mention of the baby.

They blow the fuzz on the flowers away, watching it get carried away by a soft breeze. Izura laughs gleefully and skips inside.

Tomura and Izuku follow her, but stop in the doorway of their house. "Look up," Izuku says, pointing to the top of the door frame. Hanging by a thick, red string, is mistletoe. They smile, and lean in for another kiss, closing their eyes and slightly pursing their lips.

"HEY!" They spin around to see Kacchan walking up to them and Kirishima getting their baby girl out of the car. Tomura and Izuku greet them and tell them to head inside.

Izura is overjoyed to meet the baby, and even more overjoyed to hold her. Tomura and Izuku smile at each other. They step back outside and continue to watch the snow fall.

"You know," Izuku says. "We never did get to have that kiss underneath the mistletoe. So..." He stands up and leads Tomura back to the door. Izuku pulls Tomura into a kiss, hugging him tightly.

"Merry Christmas, Izuku," Tomura says after their lips part.

"Merry Christmas, Tomura," Izuku says back.

They head inside to wait for more of the former class 1-A to show up, all of them now pros. Everything in the world is right. Everything is calm. Everything is good.


The two boys wake up at the same time, blushing. Realizing that it was a dream, they both sigh in frustration. They want to go back to sleep, to go back to that wonderful reality.

When they do fall back asleep, it is into a dreamless sleep. Both of the boys couldn't get the dream out of their heads. A wonderful dream, it really was a wonderful reality.

The next morning, they summoned their strings, stroking them gently.

"The one I see in my dreams," They say. "Is you."

lol I'm a little and for whatever reason am not hungry despite eating nothing but a loaf of bread this morning. I want another one. yea im gonna eat another one :)

Bye bye!

------PLEASE READ------
The name Daniel. Daniel was a friend of mine. He really was  a good kid, always happy, super funny, and just a great person. No one saw it coming, but he took his own life just a few weeks ago. The entire school was in the doldrums for a long time. We all miss him very much. So, I thought "Why not do this, and have my own way of honoring the person he was?" And so the name Daniel was brought into the story.

We love you, Daniel.

Thanks for reading!

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