Chapter Four - Catch Me if I Fall

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-Izuku POV- Skating Rink with Tomura
Tomura leads me to the rink, the air crisp and cool. I can see two other people already skating on the rink.

"Hey, look who showed up!" The girl exclaims.
"Oh, I guess Tomura was right," The male says.

I smile politely, holding onto Tomura's arm. Villains, I think to myself. Of course.

The two skate over to the entrance of the rink, smiling. "Hey guys. This is Izuku, my soulmate." Tomura introduces me to the two people. They introduce themselves as Dabi(the male) and Toga (the girl).

"So," Toga says, cheerily. "You're the famous Izuku. Tomura hasn't stopped talking about you all day! He keeps talking about you and your, in his words not mine, 'soft skin, lime green hair, grass green eyes, warm smile, and soft lips I could kiss all day! Oh Izuku, Izuku, IZUKU!~"

I flush bright red, gripping Tomura's jacket tighter. Tomura looks at me, completely stone faced. "Well," He says. "She's not wrong. I do talk about you a lot."

"Bro, you don't just talk about him. You fanboy over him," Dabi points out.

"Well, of course I do. I love him." Tomura plants a kiss on my head, causing me to blush more. I groan and bury my face into his arm, hiding my blushing face.

"What are we waiting for?" Toga pipes up. "Let's skate!" Tomura pulls me out onto the ice, smiling and holding my hands. I struggle to keep my balance. Tomura sees this, chuckles, and lets go of my hands, skating a bit away from me.

"Tomuraaaa >:("  I groan. I try to make my way over to him, slowly inching my way to where he is. He laughs, seeing me try so desperately to skate. I pretend to be upset.

"Well, mAyBE not all of us are perfect skaters. I haven't been skating in yea-"

I start to lose my balance, and slip. I fall forwards, my face coming closer and closer to the ice. I close my eyes and brace for impact.

Tomura catches me before I hit the ice. He helps me onto my feet, steadying me.

"That was a close one, Broccoli-Boy."

"Th-Thanks, Phalange-Fred."

We laugh and continue to skate, me holding onto his arm the whole time.

I, Izuku Midoriya, have a villain as a soulmate. He might seem evil, but he's really a good person. I know that he will always be there to catch me if I fall.

~~~~~time skip, end of the day~~~~~

I walk home alone, not wanting to risk Tomura getting caught by the police. Or worse - my classmates. I skip back to the dorms, feeling all happy and lovey-dovey.

I enter the common room, my friends all chilling and hanging out. They see me and jump up. Shoot. I forgot to tell them I was leaving!

"Midoriya! Where were you all day?!" They bombard me with questions, like where I was, what I did, and why I was gone. I try to come up with an answer. I can't tell them I was with Tomura all day! They'd freak out!

"Well... I was... um... with my mom! Yeah, with my mom," I say quickly. All I have to do now is just hope that they don't contact my mom and verify that with her. They look like they don't believe me! Idiot, say something, quick!

"She... took me out to lunch and took me shopping... And... We went to see a movie," I say, making things up as I go.

"A movie, huh?" Kacchan's loud voice rips through the crowd of students. They part down the middle, giving room for him to walk through. "What movie, useless DEKU?"

"UM... N-Nosferatu?" I say, sweat dripping down my face.

"That movie's, like, a HUNDRED years old!" Denki exclaims from the back of the crowd.

"Well... um... it was at her friend's house! Her friend has a copy of the movie, and... she invited us over to watch!"


Just as Uraraka is about to say something, my phone rings. I pull out my phone to see who it is. I don't recognize the number... But it may be my only chance of escaping this conversation...

They all quiet down as I answer the call.


"Hello, Izuku," a raspy voice on the other end of the line greets me.


ayyyyy wassup Jimmothies? Happy late Halloween! I have been meaning to post this but never got around to it. Sorry about how short it is, but I will make a longer chapter next time. Anyways, I love you guys, and I am ready to take a nap.

Bye bye!!!

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