Chapter Six - I Want A Future With You

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-Izuku POV- In class
It's all I can think about! That dream! I can't focus on anything else. AT ALL.

But... That little girl. What was her name? Tomuku? Izutomu? Tomuzu? Hmmm... Izura! That was her name! Izura! She looked like me. She looked like Tomura. She called us "Mommy" and "Daddy" as well. No doubt about it, she was my child. But... SHE WAS TOMURA'S, TOO!

My dream was about Tomura and I having a KID. Was it a glimpse of the future? Or just a future I dream of? Either way, I have to talk to Tomura about this. But I also have to find a way to do that without blushing madly because I had a dream where he was the father of my daughter. Oh boy.

My stomach feels queezy, shivers go down my entire body, and I start to turn red. How should I approach him about this? How can I approach him about this? I had a dream that we had a family! I've been stressed ever since I found out about my soulmate, and this is only making it worse!

"Midoriya!" I snap back to reality, remembering that I'm still in class. Aizawa-sensei is staring intently at me, along with several other students. "Midoriya?" He asks. "Are you... Okay? You're flushed." I notice the heat in my face, which is probably causing me to blush.

"I'm fine," I say. "I just feel a little... weird. Can I see the nurse?" He nods and gives me a hall pass. I walk out of the room, still blushing. Great job, Deku. What are we gonna tell Recovery Girl? I don't have time to come up with that now. I'm already here.

I open her door, face STILL flushed. "Oh my! Midoriya? What's wrong? Your face is completely red. Are you feeling okay?" She helps me to a cot, and has me lay down. She takes my temperature.

"Oh, dear. You got a fever," She tells me. Do I really? I feel my own head. It's burning hot! I did read somewhere that you can get sick from stress, and with the stuff I've been going through, I wouldn't be surprised if I caught a sickness.

Recovery Girl gives me some Alka-Seltzer and leaves the room to let me rest. As soon as she's gone, I pull out my phone. I really need to talk to Tomura.

-Tomura? I need to talk to you.

After about two minutes, he responds.

-Oh, hey. Isn't it school hours? Why are you texting me?
-I'm sick and in the infirmary. I had my phone on me and I had to talk to you, so let me speak.
-So last night I had the weirdest dream where it was like 10 years in the future and we had a kid.
-wait seriously.
-And her name was Izura and she looked like me but also like you. But I've only spent a tiny bit of time with you so I have no idea of how my brain is already planning a future for us.
-You know what's weirder than that?
-What could POSSIBLY  be weirder than that?!
-The fact that I had the exact same dream.

I look away from my phone. It dings a few more times, letting me know that he's still messaging me, but I ignore it. NO WAY. WE HAD THE EXACT SAME DREAM OF US IN THE FUTURE WITH A FAMILY CELEBRATING CHRISTMAS WITH KACCHAN AND KIRISHIMA AND THEIR CHILD AND-

My train of thought is stopped when a sudden noise fills the room. I turn to see another one of those purple mist portals being opened up. Right next to my bed.

Tomura steps out, a large hand covering his face. He's wearing his gloves again, and he has a large, fluffy thing in one of his hands. "Hey there, Izuku." He turns back to the portal where the man who I remember to be "Kurogiri" has his head poking out.

"Remember, only twenty minutes, Tomura," He says. Tomura nods, and Kurogiri closes the portal. Tomura turns back to me, takes the fluffy thing, and unfolds it. It's a blanket. Carefully, he drapes it over me, tucking in my freezing cold body. He shakes his head.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Oh, Izuku. How did you manage to do this?" He asks.

"S-Stress," I mutter. He chuckles and strokes my forehead. He sighs. "You're burning up," He tells me.

"I-I-I know..." I can feel myself getting sleepy. He takes the hand off of his face. "You don't have to be stressed anymore. I'm right here." He kisses me and smiles.

Tomura sits on the cot, right next to me. He gently strokes my scalp, humming. I become really sleepy, my consciousness running away from me.

"T-Tomura," I whisper, warm and half asleep.

"Yeah?" He says, as a snowflake falls outside the window.

I grip his arm and nuzzle into it, soaking up the warmth.

"I want a future where I can be with you, and where I don't have to worry that we'll be separated because of the law."

He blushes and smiles.

"As long as we're together, I don't care what kind of future we have. I want a future with you."


HELLO. Hahahaha im back. So, yeah, I got grounded, but I'll say what for later. BUT I'M BACK NOW! I like this story, how bout you? Yall have no idea what im plannin hee hee. ANyWays, my mom just graduated from the police academy, so we're havin' a party tonight. and there's gonna be a lot of food. So! I'm gonna go eat and try to human with a bunch of people. Wish me luck!

bye bye!


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