~•💥Chapter 5💥•~

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Jisoo was once again wandering, completely lost, she was somewhere she has never been and on top of all she had to find this hidden door in the institute park, thanks to Minzy she didn't have to look all the park since she had an idea on the area ...

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Jisoo was once again wandering, completely lost, she was somewhere she has never been and on top of all she had to find this hidden door in the institute park, thanks to Minzy she didn't have to look all the park since she had an idea on the area the hidden door should be. It seemed weird to Jisoo that the school had no idea about this door, she knew it was an old structure, but how come no one knew?

Jisoo was looking around so carefully not to miss it that if someone would have seen her would have wondered what was wrong with her. She didn't even have an idea on how the door was!

«Ah ah!» she exclaimed when she saw a small handle with a ring form near the ground behind some bushes, she kneeled and went behind it, she grabbed the ring handle and pulled, a small door opening, so small that only by crawling she could go inside. So taking a deep breath she did, she crawled inside, somehow closing the door behind her, it was dark and she was a little bit scared, but she kept crawling forward, hoping it was just a straight way, with no turns or holes. After a couple of minutes she saw the small tunnel end, bringing her to a small room, where you could actually stand up and at least 5 people would have been comfortable inside there, it wasn't as dark as before, probably due to her eyes getting used to it, yet she couldn't see, that's when she remembered that Minzy gave her a small flashlight already knowing the lack of light, Jisoo mentally rolled her eyes for not thinking about it before and reaching in her bag, she pulled it out turning it on. She moved it around to study her surroundings, nothing caught her attention, except for another closed door, she shrugged and reached it, it looked like it wasn't being opened from some time but also not too long ago. She grabbed another ring handle and pulled, another smaller room, compared to the one she was in, was there.

Okay, seriously? This whole thing takes up space, how come the school doesn't know!?

She sighed and closed the door behind, it was a habit, something she did naturally.

She was about to raise the flashlight when she saw some light coming from some holes, she guessed, she pointed it to the floor and made her way there for then turning it off, she crouched and looked through one hole, she gasped when she saw Lisa being hit on her butt with a cane. Sure she had her clothes on, but they probably didn't help much.
She could see Lisa shutting her eyes tightly, gripping the table she was bend on so strongly that her knuckles became white, small whimpers of pain leaving her mouth no matter how hard she bit her lip.

Jisoo looked around the room and indeed it was scary, there were many canes of various sizes, leather straps, wooden paddles, that she recalled her grandma also used on her to spank her when she misbehaved, she let her eyes roam around, she saw raw beans and corns, which she wondered what they were used for.

She heard Lisa let out a small yell, which she probably cut short by covering her mouth, Lisa was too proud to show she was weak.

Her eyes darted to the younger girl, the principal took her by her hair and placed some raw corn seeds on the floor, as he told Lisa to remove her pants, which she did and made her kneel on them, her posture had to be straight, Jisoo was shocked and scared, what if she or Chaeyoung misbehaved? Would they have gone through the same? Though she recalled that the staff went hard only on Lalisa.

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