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I'm going to take some time off of Wattpad and stuff in general, why? Nobody will probably care, but I feel like I need to tell you.

Idk why, but, lately my depression is hitting me pretty hard like a train or something huge and strong anyway. I can't really bring myself to do much. My mind can't also come up with anything to write...

All I feel like doing is just to lay in bed and cuddle with my cat when she wants, or just sleep all day, or just stare at the ceiling, getting out of the bed/house only to help my grandma... Just be in my bed, thinking like the overthinker I am, saying some nasty shit to myself. Fun.

Like I legit have no will to do life ahah or do anything at all. Just to give you a better idea.

I won't go into details because 1. No body cares 2. I'm all about positivity and self-love.
I know it sounds ridiculous... when I say everyone is worth it and beautiful in their own unique way and that everyone deserves happiness and that no matter how hard life can be we must hold on and that everyone should love themselves not caring about people's opinions and to don't compare yourself with others, etc. I do really believe in that and MEAN IT. But I can't make my brain understand that all that stuff applies to me as well. Basically I feel like this applies for everyone beside me cuz I'm a human case. Geez brain, thanks a ton...

Anyway, I'll be on this break/hiatus whatever you wanna call it for idk how long. If it'll be a long or short time. I'll still try to write a little to at least be one step closer to completing a chapter but idk.

So, yeah, that's it. Hopefully you'll wait for me :3

Thanks for the attention!
Big hug and kiss 😘🤗

-Ary 🦄🤙🏻🌈

Sorry for disappointing you :c

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