VII | All We Do Is Argue

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"The aim of argument, or of discussion, should not be victory, but progress." -Joseph Joubert


"Satellites?" Coulson looks to me.

"That's a new one," mumbles Agent 13 next to me.

"Soviet Union?" Clint asks a little bit too loud. Natasha turns to him and slaps him hard on the cheek, causing Clint to yelp, reach for his face and cower in fear.

I cover a laugh with a cough and avert my eyes to Fury who now stands at a separate computer monitor and is typing something. His sunglasses reflect the bright screen but nothing can be made out from them. I cautiously and silently walk up to him and clear my throat quietly so he acknowledges my presence. He takes a quick glance at me and then turns his attention to the computer monitor and then down to his phone that he took out of his jean pocket.

All of a sudden the doors to the room burst open and the rest of the Avengers stumbles in. Tony flies in last with his Iron Man suit but loses control halfway through the door and falls. Failing to catch himself with his boosters, drunken Tony knocks down and lands on Thor and Captain America. Sending a fit of arguing mixed with some unpleasant words into the air. Somehow a breathless Bruce was able to quickly run away from the conflict and stand next to Natasha. We watch as the pile of superheroes unravels but leaves Iron Man laying on his back.

Tony's face shows when the face of the machine lifts up. He laughs, still drunk, "You guys are very clumsy when it comes to emergencies."

"This is an emergency?" I ask, directing the question to Fury who stands tall beside me with his hands behind his back.

"Says the man who can't control his own invention," Bruce grumbles loud enough for even Tony to hear.

"Yes," Fury nods, "The Avengers will be needed on this one."

"Clumsy?" Steve asks and stretches his back from the hard fall on the tile floor.

"But we don't even know all the details," I argue with Fury, "We should at least know a little bit more before we yank them into this mess!" I point to the new arrivals at my last comment.

"At least I invented something that actually works," Tony argues and stumbles when trying to stand up. "And it didn't turn me into a green rage monster either. So that's a bonus!" Tony gets up into a kneeling position.

"Do you think that they are not capable of solving problems like this?" Nick questions and motions his hand to the screen at which shows the heat signatures.

"Sure, I'll give you that one. But I'm pretty sure that someone else should be wearing the suit and not an egotistical billionaire." Bruce frowns and crosses his arms.

"No!" I sigh frustratingly, "I never said that! But I think it would be better if we could try to figure out more before we bring others into this."

"Did you just indirectly say that I am not worthy of my suits?" Tony puts a metallic hand over his heart and gives Banner a cold stare.

"And why is that?" Fury asks calmly, his mouth twitching upwards into a small smirk. He's testing me and my limits.

"Well you are certainly not worthy of this hammer," Thor swings his hammer and chuckles, earning a hard glare from several other Avengers.

"Because more people just makes it so much more complicated! And then everyone starts arguing about an idea and nothing gets done!" I exclaim and throw my arms up in defeat.

"Yes I did, Tony," Bruce muses, "Do you have a problem with handling the truth like you have a problem with handling alcohol?" That earned a chuckle or two from surrounding superheroes, including Natasha who has surprisingly stayed deadpan the entire time.

Avenging in July *Editing Before Continuing* [Avengers Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now