X | My Red and Blue Savior

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"You don't have to save me, just hold my hand while I save myself." -Unknown


I walk around the battered piece of metal at my feet and carefully make my way to the large opening in the wall. Some smoke still remains from the explosion. It slowly finds its way out of the building and mixes into the fresh air from up high.

As I reach the edge of the building, I hear more and more noise. I look over the edge to the ground to see stopped traffic. A large part of the building rests on the sidewalk and into the street. Police cars are bordering the catastrophe, along with police tape. Citizens look to be crowding around the scene with their phones, and news vans are dotted throughout the growing sea.

I sigh and rest one hand on my forehead and the other on my hip, pacing back and forth on the unstable ledge and trying to get a grip on what just happened. What I encountered today.

That thing knew me. It knew me. And it's a he who knew me. I know that for a fact. Whoever he was. And he was a survivor. That still held me back.

If there really were survivors that day, how did I not see them? How did I not notice or sense them? If they saw me walking away then why didn't they run after me? How many of them were there? How many of them are still in this world? And who were they? Were they kids? Teenagers? Adults? Elderly? A mix of many different age groups?

I exhale and rub my hands on my face.

"This can't be happening," I groan out loud. "I don't know what to do! What's the next step? I always have a plan! I-"

A scream comes out of me as I am lifted off of the ground and into the air.

"Whoa! Calm down!" A young male voice says beside me. Oh my Gods, what in Hades is happening? I scream again and try to wiggle out of the guy's grasp but he's too strong and I just realized that I would plummet to my death on the streets of New York. In that case, I clung onto the guy for dear life and most likely squeezed the life out of him.

"Stop screaming!" He complains.

"Put me down!" I squeal as the wind rushes past me. "Safely!"

I feel the guy's chest vibrate as he chuckles. "And I thought you were going to do some miraculous suicidal jump back there."

"What? Why would I do that?"

Suddenly I feel solid ground beneath my feet and before he can say anything else, I let go of the man's body, falling back to Earth.

"Oh Gods, I can't believe I'm saying this but I missed you, ground!"

"Actually, we're on a building," his voice says behind me, "so technically speaking, we're on a roof."

I scoff and stand up, brushing rubble off of my pants and shirt from hugging the roof of some building. "Well I didn't come here to be sassed, mister," I begin saying and turn around to face the guy, "so-whoa." I stare wide-eyed at the masked stranger but quickly cover up my surprise with a frown. "What are you? My red and blue savior? I didn't need one."


"Why were you at the Avengers Tower?" I ask, ignoring his confusion.

"Just you know-," he pauses and takes a step back. "Wait, you're not freaking out," he points out.

"No," I frown at him, "Why? Should I be?" I cross my arms and shift my weight to my right side.

"Well, typically the response I get when I save a girl like you is, 'Oh my God! Thank you Spider-Man for saving me! How can I ever repay you?'" He clasps his gloved hands together as his voice gets higher, imitating a damsel in distress.

Avenging in July *Editing Before Continuing* [Avengers Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now