New home

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 Nobody knew that this would happen, how could this even be predicted? In the evening, in month of December, in the deep dark forest, was a naga. She was a mother snake who was curled up around her two little children, keeping them warm as they slept soundly. She was keeping an eye on them, looking out for any potential danger. It was cold and snowy, white fluffy snow was covering the trees and the ground, little snowflakes slowly landing on the mother and on the tiny noses of the small babies. There were couple of reasons why they weren't sheltered by a cave of some sort. The mother was not able to find it sooner before the winter would start and also for her it was very difficult to move in the snow with a sick child. The forest that time seemed very silent... Almost too silent. The wind stopped blowing but it kept snowing. Something made the mother feel unsafe as she started to look around nervously, there was definitely someone else with them. From lack of food she felt weak as well as both of her babies, she didn't wanted to stay there any more longer and unwrapped her tail, one of he kids whimpered and opened his little eyes looking at his mom who quickly picked them up and was ready to slide away but something stopped her. A sharp pain that made her scream and drop both of the children in the snow, she turned around immediately and was met by a sword pointing at her face, droplets of blood dripping down on the ground, coloring the white snow in deep red color, she once again wrapped her tail around her kids as one of them started crying.

"Well well well... What do we have here?" a person holding the sword smirked and folded his big black wings, the mother hissed at him, but she was trembling from the fear and the cold.

"Lets make it quick..." he said "You will give me both of your kids and I will leave you alone... But if not" he slowly titled his head and grinned "Well..." he chuckled "You will die" he kept the sword still right in front of her face and looked down at her little snakes "Just look at them... Poor creatures... They will suffer and die like this... No shelter... No food... What a terrible mother you are..." he said.

 She took a quick glance at her babies. The crying has stopped as they were wrapped back into their mom's tail.

"Well? Do we have a deal?" he asked her "You give them to me... And continue to live"

 This was a very hard decision for her. She would fight to protect her kids, she doesn't want to give them up, but she was too weak, she knew she would not be able to take care of them. Unwrapping her tail she picked both of them up and slowly handed them to him while her arms shook badly.

"There we go... See? I'm glad we understood each other" he said looking down at her, seeing her teary eyes as she kept looking at her kids starting to cry silently, tears running down her pale cheeks.

 Cain smirked and unfolded his wings "Have a good day" he said as he disappeared into thin air.


"Aaand here we are~!" Cain smiled at them as he appeared in his house, in the realm that he lived in. He put both of them on the couch and took a closer look at them. One of them, with the black tail, looked at him and hissed a bit, since he's still small it was a very weak hiss.

"Now quit hissing I literally saved your life, ugh" Cain said and glanced at the other one, with the white tail. He crouched down and poked his little head.

"Hellooo? Is anybody home?" he asked, but the little guy wouldn't respond or move.

"See?! This is exactly why I took you two away!" he said and looked at the other active one who titled his head cutely at Cain.

"... Never mind" Cain said and stood up "Is he even alive?" he asked and the black tailed boy slide to his brother, tapping his hand on his head hardly, almost hitting him, well, it seemed like it.

"Hey hey! Stop hitting him!" Cain caught his small arm and noticed the other boy started to wiggle his tail.

"Ah" he let go of his arm and moved him away and the boy hissed again.

"You-" Cain took a deep breath and tried not to get angry "Let's do it this way... I'll name you two first, okay?" he picked up the black tailed one.

"... Eh, Akira will be your name, I guess" he said and just dropped him on the couch, Akira whimpered and almost fell off, but held onto the fabric, sliding to the corner of the couch and curling up, still glaring at Cain.

 Cain picked up the weak brother and softly brushed his hair with his fingers "You... Will be called Sano... Sano, do you like your name?" he asked and was responded by the baby catching Cain's hand with his tiny ones.

"Awww... You didn't open your eyes yet baby? Hope you will, to see your daddy soon" he kissed his forehead "Now before we all go to bed, it's time to eat" Cain said and put Sano back down on the couch "Stay here you two, I will be right back" he said and walked to the kitchen.

 Akira, rebel boy, slid off the couch to the floor and looked around, Sano who has been moving too much just fell off the couch and flopped onto the floor with a thud. Cain heard the sound an started to head back to the living room.

"What happened???" he looked and gasped "Sano!" he went to them and picked him up "You didn't hurt yourself?!" he checked him not caring about Akira right now "Phew... I guess you are okay" he put him back down next to his brother "I think it's better if you both will be down here on the floor..." he said and went back to the kitchen as Akira played with Sano a bit. Sano wasn't doing much, but he didn't mind his brother's company.

 Soon papa Cain came back with two bottles of warm milk, two sippy cups "Okay, you are lucky I have this, don't even ask where I got them from" he just mumbled and sat down on the couch and looked at them, Sano was struggling to stand on his elbows and even to put his head up, he was shaking from being so weak. Meanwhile Akira was sliding around him, playing with his tail. Cain just put the bottles in front of them to see what they could do. Akira saw the bottle, slide to it, normally took it with his small hands and started to drink. Sano was still in one place struggling to hold himself up. Cain picked him and the bottle up and held him, helping him to drink. Akira drank the whole thing quickly, but Sano didn't even finish the half of it.

"... Sano, please, drink little more" he pleaded, but Sano looked away whining. Cain stood up with him "Okay then, it's time to sleep now" he said and started to walk towards the bedroom, leaving Akira behind who looked at them go and whined.

"Akira you stay here!" Cain said while not even turning around to see him, but Akira left the bottle there and followed them.

"Here is the bedroom" Cain said "... Even tho you can't see yet, but that's okay" he put Sano on the bed, putting the sippy cup on the nightstand that was next to the bed and felt his trousers being tugged.

"Huh?" He looked down and saw Akira there doing that "..." he picked him up and flopped him on the bed beside Sano "I have a feeling I will return you to your mother-" he saw Akira wrapping around Sano and his weak brother happily wrapping back around Akira and slightly smiling "-or not..." Cain sighed and took off his shirt "Anyway... Time to sleep" he lay down after covering his babies with a blanket.

 Cain sat comfortably on the bed and took a book to read a bit before sleeping, but he was stopped by Sano bumping into Cain's side, he looked at him and saw Akira hiding under the covers probably asleep already, Cain smiled slightly and put the book down on the nightstand.

"Come here you..." he picked Sano up and lay him on his arms, holding him, with his hand he stroked Sano's tiny hands. Sano caught Cain's finger and gently held it... Cain looked at that small, adorable, tiny hand holding onto his finger, he looked at Sano's face and smiled from happiness.

"My little baby..." he gently hugged him and softly kissed his forehead, closing his eyes and holding him close as Sano snuggled on his shoulder and they drifted off to sleep.

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