Time to shop!

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 -Few month later-

 Sano and Akira were growing and learning more and more words. Right now, in the morning, boys were still sleeping in the bedroom while Cain was being busy downstairs with some stuff, mostly just reading a book, he looked at the time and decided to wake his babies up already and feed them, past few days he tried to feed them something else apart from milk and he was successful at that, they ate with no problem. Papa Cain went upstairs and walked into his bedroom, he saw that Sano and Akira were both under the covers, they seemed already awake since they were quietly giggling.

"Good morning boys! Time to get up!" Cain turned on the lights and walked to the bed "Come on get up" he pulled the covers off of them and gasped.

"Boys! You... Have legs!!!" he smiled and took a closer look at them. Sano and Akira both giggled moving their legs, Cain was oh so waiting for this moment to happen.

"AWWW HOW CUTE OMG" it was all too adorable, Cain couldn't hide his emotions, he held San-San's legs and wiggled them a bit "Look at those tiny feeeeeet, you boys will be able to walk! But, I guess I'll have to teach you two first how to- Huh?" Cain looked at Akira who crawled down the bed and ran out of the bedroom.

"... Akira!?" Cain gasped and left Sano, running after Akira "Stop! Come back here! Or you will fall down and hurt yourself, you dumb snake!" Cain caught Akira right before he would go flying down the stairs "Phew... Caught you..." he sighed in relief.

"But papa!!!" Akira whined and struggled to be put back down on the floor.

"No buts young man! How were you even able to walk on your own so fast?! Only yesterday you had a tail!" Cain looked at his face, Akira stared at him with his mouth slightly open, not knowing what to answer and just shrugged.

 Cain rolled his eyes and went back to the bedroom, seeing Sano sitting on the bed.

"Well at least your brother can already walk right San-San? I guess that's very good!" Papa Cain put Aki back on the bed and picked up Sano.

"Awe! Look at you! Little cute baby! Let's try to walk eh? Like your brother, but walking, not running" Cain lowered Sano on the floor and supported him, putting him on his feet an holding his arms "Try to walk baby" Cain smiled a bit.

 Sano looked at his tiny legs and tried to take a step "Papa!" he looked up at him smiling.

"Good job my little boo! You are doing such a great job!" Cain said as Sano took like, only two steps? No more.

Akira watched them and titled his head "And me?"

"What you?" Cain looked at him "Well, yeah, you too Akira, good job" he said and it sounded kinda cold, Akira pouted.

"Okay San-San, let's continue!" Cain continued helping him.

 Akira crawled down on the floor once again and walked to Sano "Sanooo!" he tried to pull his brother away from Cain.

 Cain growled at him "Leave him alone, can't you see I'm trying to teach him how to walk?!" he pushed Akira away and he flopped on his little butt.

 Akira just hissed at him and tried to get up again, struggling a bit, but he still got up and once again ran out of the bedroom.

"Akira!!! Get back here! Don't you dare make me angry!" he picked Sano up and ran after Akira who already managed to crawl down the stairs half way.

"How-" he walked down to him and picked him up, Akira was slow on the stairs.

"How are you so fast... And why are you so god damn annoying?!" he went downstairs with them and put them on the couch "Now, you both need cute panties, trousers and socks, awe you little dolls, I'll be right back, don't kill each other" he said and went back upstairs.

 After few minutes he came back to them "Here I am!" he put few clothes on the chair "Let's see" he dressed them up "Cute! But... I'm not the best at making clothes, what if we go up to the human world and buy you some clothes already?" Cain asked.

"But papa said he make us clothes" Akira said and Sano nodded, aka agreeing with his brother.

"Uhhh, I said that but they don't look that good- I just used my old clothes and old fabric for these clothes" he giggled a bit "Anyway" he picked them up "Let's go now, plus you will see the human world. You have never been there before boys" he said and unfolded his wings, teleporting to the human world, appearing on one of the streets, behind a building, he put the boys down and they looked at their papa. Cain transformed into a completely different person in a blink of an eye. Sano and Akira gasped "P-Papa?!" they were 'shocked', mostly surprised.

"Don't worry babies, it's me, your daddy" he made his wings disappear. He now had blond hair with a different hairstyle and bright blue eyes "My disguise" he smiled at them and picked them up again.

 He walked out to the busy street and boys looked around "Wooooooooow!" they were looking around non stop, they liked everything! Other people they never saw before, cars, shops, cafes, hearing new noises and so on. Cain brought them to different shops and spend few hours at that, buying them clothes mostly, he did buy them couple of toys as well.

"Papa! Papa! Look!" Sano pointed at something "Buy me buy me buy me!"

"Huh?" Cain walked to what Sano was pointing at "Oh! A doll? You want this doll Sano?" Cain asked.

"Yes!" he said and reached for it.

"Wait wait baby this is not a doll to play with, it's porcelain doll, for collections" Cain said.

"Papa I want it!!!" he whined.

"Of course of course baby, I'll buy it! But be careful with it" he took the doll "Akira come here we are leaving" Cain said and went to pay for things. Akira ran back to him with couple more toys "Papa buy me this!" he showed.

 Cain looked down at him "Akira I already bought you and Sano toys, don't you think it's enough?" he asked and Akira made a 'I will yell and cry if you won't buy it' face. Cain did NOT want to deal with that, he was already exhausted and angry at Akira... Angry at him all the time, so he took the toys from him and bought them, he didn't need him crying in front of all these people.

 They walked out of the shop "Okay it's time to go home, time to eat and take a nap" he yawned "... Papa Cain needs a big nap as well" he said and was about to teleport with them as both boys stopped him "Papa wait!" they said.

"What?" he looked at them a bit annoyed.

"Go there!" they pointed, there was a playground nearby, across the street.

"Boys I'm very tired and we have a lot of bags with us, maybe we can come back here later in the evening" he said, Sano and Akira whimpered, but Cain with no other words teleported back home into the living room. Cain put the bags down in the corner and went to the kitchen with the boys, he fed them and drank some tea. He didn't clean the plates yet and went to lay on the couch with his snakies, hugging them "Take a little nap... And I promise in the evening we will go to the playground" he said

"Okay papa!" they said and snuggled on him. Cain smiled and passed out asleep, wow, they did worn him out today.

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