This evening's encounter

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 After the family had their nap, as Cain promised, they headed back to the human world and to the playground. It was a calm and nice evening, the sky was breathtaking, pink and purple colors mixing together with fluffy pastel pink clouds floating around, Cain had a wish to fly around and relax, but maybe another time. Once they reached the destination, they saw nobody on the playground.

"Perfect, no one will disturb us" Cain put Sano down, Akira giggled and ran to have fun on the swing, Sano looked at Cain "Papa me too!" he said pointing at it.

"Ah you want to go on the swing? Of course baby" he picked him back up and put him on the swing "Hold on tight, Akira be careful please" he said and gently pushed Sano to help him swing.

"Fun!" Akira laughed and looked at his brother and Cain sighed "Akira slow down! You will fall down!" he said.

"Sano is very slow, no fun!" Akira said and pouted.

"I don't want him to fall" he said and looked away from him.

 Akira still ignored his dad and continued to swing "Hey look I can fly like papa!" he said and let go jumping off the swing from the high and flopped on the ground face down.

 Sano stared at him then started laughing, Cain didn't even care if he hurt himself and rolled his eyes, Akira got up as if nothing happened and looked at Sano, giggling and rubbing the back of his neck "I'm fine!" he said and ran to the slide. Sano was having fun anyway, even swinging so slowly, with Cain, he looked at him and just smiled, Cain smiled back and kissed his forehead "Wanna play in the sand?"

"Yes!" Sano said and wanted to get off the swing "Wait baby you can't walk on your own yet" Cain picked him up and brought him to the sandbox and put him down "There you go" he said.

Sano started to play "I build a castle!"

 Cain giggled softly "Good luck with that" he said and looked over at Akira, who was being a crazy monkey, running around and falling all the time and crawling up everywhere he shouldn't, but at least he was okay and was in Cain's sight.

 Cain stood a bit far away now to have a better look on both of his kids, but overtime he felt like there was someone else here... Someone he didn't want to meet. Cain looked around, he couldn't see anyone, but this feeling wouldn't go away.

"Shit... Come ooon... Now what..." He thought and already wanted to take his kids and go home, for safety, he wasn't sure whose presence he felt exactly. Sano and Akira were still having fun on their own, Sano was sometimes glancing at his papa, maybe to check if he is here or what he was doing. Cain was gonna say something to his babies, like: 'Lets go home' but he was cut off.

"Well hello, you are almost unrecognizable in this form" he heard a familiar deep and calm voice and them approaching Cain from behind "But I will know you in any form... You can never hide normally, can't you?" the person smirked slightly, Cain knew it, that smirk, even without looking at him, but in the end he turned around and glared at him.

"Rire" he growled quietly.

"Cain" Rire removed his glasses revealing his shining yellow eyes.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, not taking eyes off of him.

"I have some questions" he didn't remove that smirk from his face, but then heard Sano and looked at him.

"Papa?" Sano was watching Cain and Rire, Akira really didn't care, he didn't even notice the stranger at all.

"Papa, eh?" Rire chuckled "Since when are you a dad?" Rire asked.

"Now this is none of your business" Cain growled and headed to pick Sano up, but was stopped again by Rire's words.

"Tsk Tsk Tsk... Pathetic... Why do you need them? Stealing kids already instead of victims? Or... Maybe... They are your victims?" he asked chuckling.

"Don't you dare say that, they are my kids and I am taking care of them, pfft, why do you care even? You yourself aren't an angel, you what, came to rescue them from 'Oh so evil Cain'?" he was pissed off already by him "Get lost" he said that louder.

"Papa! Look!" Sano smiled, Cain looked and crouched down "Uh, what's that you built baby?" he asked, Rire walked closer and also took a look.

"Castle!" he said.

 Cain smiled "Good job Sano, what a beautiful castle it is!" Cain praised him, it didn't even look like a castle, but baby Sano tried his best.

"How cute" Rire said, Sano looked at him and titled is head.

 "What's your name?" Rire asked, Cain glared at him once again.

"Sano! And- and there my brother! Akira!" Sano pointed.

 Rire put his glasses back on "Cain, I feel like this won't end well, so don't think that I'll be gone, my eyes are on you" he smirked... Damn... Cain always hated Rire so much that this conversation made him even more furious. Rire looked down at Sano and ruffled his hair "I'm not saying goodbye yet" he said and disappeared.

"Papa who was that?" Sano asked as Akira ran to them finally.

"Papa who did just disappear?" Akira asked.

"Never mind him kids..." Cain said and looked down closing his eyes and rubbing his temples, he usually doesn't get headaches, but this really felt weird right now, Cain's head hurt a bit.

'What a bastard Rire is...' he thought and looked at his kids again "And never get close to him if you see him anywhere" he said with a serious tone which made both kids feeling a bit tense "Y-yes papa..." they replied.

"Time to go back home" he picked both of them up.

"Ahhh already?!" Akira pouted and Cain nodded "For your safety" he said that in the same monotone voice and Akira shut up, probably understanding that something is not right. Cain teleported home and put them on the couch, he transformed back into his self, with yellow eyes, black and red hair and stretched his wings out, stretching himself after "Nnhg! Finally..." he flopped on the couch and wrapped Sano and Akira in his wings.

 Babies snuggled and giggled, Cain watched them and sighed "I promise... Nothing bad will happen and nothing will end bad... I love you both" he said.

Akira looked at him like 'What did you just say?'.

"... Tsk... I still love you less, but still" he said and Akira pouted.

Sano hugged Cain "I luv u..." he mumbled.

"AWWW FUCK THAT'S TOO CUTE!!!" he covered his mouth "You heard nothing" he cleared his throat with a cough.

 Akira stared at Cain "............................. Fuck" Akira said and Cain gasped "AKIRA! Don't say that again!!! Dammit... I really should shut my mouth already" he said, Akira flinched at Cain suddenly yelling at him and hide under his wing, Sano stayed as calm as he always was, still hugging his papa. Cain looked up at the ceiling 'Yes... Everything will be okay...' he thought.

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