Chapter 3: Scenic

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Single - The Neighbourhood

After school

I get on the bus to go home, but I don't see Miles.

He might be at his locker still..


A couple of minutes pass and he's still not here.

The bus starts to go and I get worried.

I look out the window.

"Miles.." I whisper softly, for I know he definitely can't hear me.

The bus leaves, and I'm still staring at the window, wondering.

Wondering where he is.

I don't think I've ever been this worried in my life.

He's always been on the bus before me.

What happened..?

Then I remember his black eye.

He probably went home early.. or he's probably talking to the principal..

I have no idea.

I just hope he's not hurt.

A couple of hours later

After I finished my homework, I decide to take a walk for a little bit.

It was almost sunset, and I loved being out at these times. It's so peaceful.

I walk for a while and see an open field of grass with a perfect view of the sunset.

I stare and contemplate wether I should sit or not, and I do.

I stare at the horizon for about 20 minutes and think about life, and my future.

"Boo!" someone grabs my shoulders.

I scream, tense up, and my eyes go wide.

"Did I scare you?" Miles asks smiling.

I just stare at him as he sits next to me.

"I'm sorry about earlier.." he starts.

I notice that he doesn't have a black eye anymore.

It's looks like it never happened.

"Miles.. your eye.." I said.

"What about my eye?" He acts oblivious.

"Earlier at school.. your eye looked like it had been hit.." I squint.

"What do you mean? My eye was always like this. Nothing happened." He starts.

"Don't lie. You just had a black eye. I argue.

"Y/n. Listen to me. Nothing happened." He tenses up as if I caught him in a lie.

And I'm pretty sure I did.

"I'm not buying it." I say.

He sighs.

"Fine.. I'll tell you." He starts.

"I was hit, and things got bad really fast.. before I knew it, I was strangling him.. I tried to stop, but I couldn't. It all happened so fast.. luckily, I stopped before I killed him.. and I just got so mad and confused.. I didn't know what was happening.. Then when I saw you.. I swear I was about to cry. I knew something was wrong with me, and the last thing I wanted to do was hurt you. So I left before I did." He says.

I look at him in shock.

I'm lost for words.

He notices and slides closer to me.

"Y/n.. I'm sorry.. I really am.. I didn't want to hurt you physically, but I still hurt you mentally, and I hate myself for it.." he looks down.

"Wait.. you still didn't tell me how your eye got better so fast." I say.

"Oh uhm.. I had some help.. but that's besides the point-" he gets cut off by me hugging him.

"You had me worried." I say, burying my face in his chest.

He soon hugs back and closes his eyes.

"Don't worry about me.. please." He says.

"Well dont do things that worry me." I say.

"I think I can pull that off." He smiles.

"I don't." I tease, smiling.

We stay like this for about a minute in a very comfortable silence until the sun starts to set.

I softly pull away and look at the horizon.

The sun starts to go down, slowly but surely, and it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.. well.. I take that back.

Miles' pov

I don't even look at the sun, I just stare at y/n.

The sun is really favoring her eyes..

I can't get over her eyes-

I really should look at the sunset before she notices me staring..

She already thinks I'm a liar.. I should at least try not to let her think I'm a creep.

I turn my head, but she already saw me.


I turn back to her, and she smiles at me.

I smile back as she slides closer to me.

This would've been the perfect time to confess to her, but I'm way too nervous.

I can't do it.

I won't do it.

Not only because I'm nervous, but also because i know I can't be in a relationship. Especially with her.. I have problems. Major problems. And I can't let her see that. It'd break both of our hearts, and she'll hate me forever.

I can't have that.

She's my everything.

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