Part 1-Chapter 5: A new threat.

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You were walking through the forest killing Grimm but you were still confused why ruby kissed you.

(Y/N): Does she like me?

Malice: No shit


Take two!

As you were killing the last Grimm you saw a person on the ground and one of their legs were bloodied and bones were sticking out of the skin.

(Y/N): Ew...

You went over to the person and they looked like this now you were closer.

You went over to the person and they looked like this now you were closer

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(Without Za Warudo)

(Y/N): Uh, sir do you need help?

???: Y-yes my legs hurt so bad...

(Y/N): I can take you back to beacon and fix you.

???: T-thank you...

You put one of his arms over your shoulder and helped him back to beacon.

(Y/N): What's your name?

???: Malice.
You had just dropped off the man named Malice at the infirmary and you headed up to Ozpin's office.


You had arrived and you went to Ozpins desk.

Ozpin: Ah, (Y/N). Glad to see you back here.

(Y/N): Yeah, i completed my mission and I helped someone who was injured and brought them here.

Ozpin: Hm, what was their name?

(Y/N): Someone named Malice.

Ozpin then spit out his coffee in shock and started coughing, you just watched him cough in confusion.

Ozpin: cough Did you say- cough Malice?

(Y/N): Uh, yes?

Ozpin: This not go-

Before he could finish, screaming was heard around the school and some explosions.

You and Ozpin quickly head to the elevator and after a few seconds you both were on the bottom floor but everything was on fire and there were bodies scattered everywhere.

You then saw Malice killing people without mercy and something appeared behind him.

(Y/N): A Stand!?

Malice was currently using spin to kill off staff members, suddenly he took a corpse and extracted the blood from it with his nails

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Malice was currently using spin to kill off staff members, suddenly he took a corpse and extracted the blood from it with his nails.

(Y/N): W-what's going on!?

Ozpin: ... A long forgotten enemy has awakened.

Just then Malice looked straight at you, aimed a nail at your head and fired.
But luckily you stopped time and dodged the Nail just in time.

(Y/N): Time continues!

And the Nail goes straight through the wall. Bit when you looked where Malice was he was gone.

(Y/N): Wha-

But you weren't able to continue as you heard beeping and each second it beeped faster and faster.

(Y/N): Where is that coming from?

When you turned the corner you saw a c4 attached to a few crates of fire dust.

(Y/N): OH SHI-


You then got knocked out by the explosion.

You had slowly woken up about an hour later when you saw Malice above you aiming a finger at you about to use spin, but he got blasted by a beam of green energy. When you located the source you saw Ozpin firing the beam from his cane.


Just then you were cutoff when an ursa charged at Malice but he blocked and slashed it with his claws that suddenly came out of his hands.

*Then a bigger Hoarde of Grimm appeared attacking Malice, but he made a small shield around him and the shield started to get smaller and smaller. But little did everyone know...

He was preparing for an attack that will literally shake all of remnant.

The Shield got smaller and smaller until Malice was crouching smiling and then he jumped up and then...


A giant shockwave spread over every kingdom. Even the Grimm were scared by it. And the School was in ruins.

Malice: Hahahahahaha!!! Ahhh. It feels good to kill one of my enemies.

But Ozpin was still alive.


Malice: Hmm. I guess you live for a while longer Ozma. But know this, you will be dead soon.

Malice then teleported away. Leaving behind a Purple Fog. The remaining staff and Students helped the injured. And you ran to team RWBY's dorm. And like you expected it was completely obliterated. But you dug under the rubble in an attempt to find them.

There were three options.

1: They were alive but injured under the rubble.

2: You had found their lifeless bodies.

Or 3: They weren't there at all and they might be in vale. And you prayed to OUM that they're alive.

And Oum was on your side as you found their unconscious bodies under the rubble and rushed them to a hospital.

2 Days later.

You were at your home because your parents had called you back because the place wasn't safe.

You were currently washing the dishes as you were thinking of team RWBY and hoping they were alright.

You had finished and you sat on the couch, hoping there would be something good on. But it was filled with news about the fall of beacon.

(Y/N): When will this nightmare end...

???: When you defeat Malice.

You suddenly looked across the room and saw a man in a yellow jacket, Blond hair, Heart shaped kneecaps and a kind and had Za WARUDO next to him.

(Y/N): W-who are you?

???: I am Dio. Your ancestor.

Malice: Yeah I know this was a shitty chapter but I'll fix it tomorrow. But for now.


Word Count: 883

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