Part 1-Chapter 10: Final showdown.

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You were hurting all over and bleeding. You couldn't even talk. Malice was right in front of you about to finish you off.

But first, let's go back to how this all started. MACHINE GUN, BITES ZA DUSTO.
You had just woken up from the dream where you saw your old memories. But something felt, different. You felt some kind of weight on your chest. You looked down and you couldn't believe it.
Y/N (Ruby's voice): W-what? My voice! What's going on?

You saw your body in front of you as Ruby in your body looked straight back at you.

You both screamed in fear as you were too weirded out to do anything. But then you heard laughing from the balcony, and lo and behold. It was Malice.

Malice: Absolutely priceless!

Ruby went after Malice with her speed semblance which you were still in shock and confusion.

Ruby: Y/N! Toss me Crescent Rose!

In an instant you threw her Crescent rose and she sliced Malice's head off. But his body choked Ruby while still in your body.

You rush over and Za Warudo punches Malice's body but nothing happened.

Y/N: It's like he's made of titanium!

Malice Body then chokes you with the same amount of pressure and you were kicking and screaming. But it didn't work. But as plot would have it, a bullhead appeared and blasted the mansion into bits.

Malice's head quickly got back on his body as the rest of RWBY and JNPR attacked Malice.

They all attacked at the same time, but he quickly kicked them all to the bullhead. The bullhead tries to lift off but Malice shot his space ripper stingy eyes and it quickly explodes.

 The bullhead tries to lift off but Malice shot his space ripper stingy eyes and it quickly explodes

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The Bullhead quickly crashes near you and pieces flew everywhere.

Za Warudo blocked a few pieces of the wings and threw them at Malice, but he quickly threw them somewhere else.

Y/N: Y-you'll never get away with this!

Malice: You can't stop me.

Y/N: I know, but they can.

And army of Grimm and hunstmen appeared behind Malice and Charged at him.

Malice: Hmm. Salem and Ozma working together? I'd thought I'd never see the day.

Slowly everything began shaking and then floated in the air.

Malice: I have ascended past Tusk Act 4. I now have the power of my new stand, Machine Gun.

All of the object floating in the air flew towards the army of Grimm and huntsmen. Some object did little to nothing, and some just went right through them. More bullheads appeared but then were shot down again with His space ripper stingy eyes.

Ruby: Nothing's working!

Yang, Nora and Blake ran at Malice but he instantly backhanded them, sending them in the lake.

Ruby: YANG! BL-

Ruby was then stabbed in the chest with a stray piece of a Bullhead wing.


You grabbed Ruby's Crescent rose and dashed at Malice with all your strength, and you sliced Malice's arm off.


You kept wailing at Malice making him bleed from basically everywhere.


You went for the final slice planning to slice him in half vertically but he grabbed Crescent Rose. Then broke it with a simple squeeze.

Y/N: Wh-

Malice held you by your hair and punched you in the stomach repeatedly, almost as fast at Za Warudo. You then feel like you were being compressed into a box. And you felt your bones crack.


But you felt yourself get even smaller. He then let you go and you collapsed on the ground a bruised mess. He kicked you in the stomach repeatedly until he picked you up and smashed your face against the ground. Your face now all bloodied and bruised.

Y/N: P-please..... Make i-

He then stepped on your chest making sure you can't talk.

Malice: You shits thought you could stop me? You truly are worthless.

Malice grabbed a Sword and put it right above your forehead.

Malice: The hero doesn't always win.

He then thrust the sword in your skull.







It was all darkness.


You still felt the pain.....

The cold steel in your skull.......

You felt your soul leaving.

Was this the end?

It sure feels like it.


End of part 1.

Next official story chapter in 2020.

I'll be seein' ya.

740 words.

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