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"Stalking gear"

"Oh.My.God !" Claudia  shrieked. Claudia, my smart, curly haired bundle of happiness, best of a friend, jumped out of her seat and began to fangirl. It was Friday night sleepover at my house and we decided to sit around and eat chips while watching a movie. My parents weren't home, and our sleepovers consisted of only us two. Yeah, we are those types of friends. We do almost EvERYThINg together!But the major passion we both shared is our obsession over IM5.

"Alexis! Did you see Dana's latest tweet?!" she asked. And at the mention of "Dana" and "tweet" I hopped off my bed and sprinted towards her phone.

" No! Let me see what it says!" I insisted with the same amount of enthusiasm. Once I saw the tweet I understood her fangirling. The tweet said:

DanaIM5: Feeling a little sick... staying in tonight. #SoupAndCrackersAllNight

It was unfortunate for him, being sick and all. But fortunate for us, sincewe'll get a glimpse of him home. Sitting around all night gets avarage teenage girls bored, okay?

"Ahhh! Claudia,grab the camera and lets get our stalking gear on ASAP." I exclaimed. Within minutes we were out the door, and on our way to his house.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Our "stalking gear" consisted of a black legging, t-shirt, shoes and having our untameable brown hair tied up in a pony tail. Also to top it off some cool black shades, just to make us look cooler and stylish, if you know what I mean.

As we arrived at the Vaughns household, we searched for the perfect hiding place. "Those bushes right there behind the trash bin" Claudia pointed out. "Good eye" I complimented. As we made ourselves comfortable on the beautifully trimmed grass of Dana's front yard behind the bushes, we heard a cough. Our eyes immediately looked at the amazing dark figure of Dana Vaughns holding a garbage bag in one hand while covering his mouth with the other. He was making his way down the small stairs towards the garbage bin that was only 4 feet away from me and Claudia. After I snapped out of my ogling, I yanked at Claudia's sleeve and hissed "Quick! take a picture!". "Okay, hold on let me ju-".


White.... that was all I saw. When my vision came back, the situation of it all came crashing down at me. Dana's frown and the bag thrown on the floor approved my suspicion. Friken Claudia forgot to take off the friken flash on the her stupid camera!!! "oh my gosh! I am so sorry, Alexis I didn't m-" she whispered but was cut off by Dana's question. "Who's out there?" said the hoarse voice of sick Dana, looking our direction.With narrowed eyes he made his way towards us.

And at that moment I swore my heart stopped.



So how'd you like it so far? As you can tell its my first story......... so I am Obviously new at this. Also I really do love IM5! Please give me feed backs/thoughts or questions, I am willing to answer :).Hope You Enjoyed!!!

Started with a flash (Dana Vaughns)DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now