I roll my eyes & punch him in the arm. He continues singing until my mom shuts off the radio & says we're pulling into our new street. I take a look around, it seems to be a good neighborhood all the houses are big & really nice. We then pull into a driveway leading to our new house, It's 2 stories high & looks nicer than we can afford. As my dad shuts off the engine we pile out of the car & take in the features.
It has a nice big yard with a giant oak tree towering over the entire front area. As we approach the house Colton and I look at each other & I know we're thinking the same thing..
"I get the big room!" Be both scream at the same time.
We sprint through the door and up the stairs almost falling onto each other. Colton runs into the smallest room while trying to find the biggest but I shut the door on him and run. Just as he gets the door open it's too late I'm already in the biggest room with the door shut and locked.
He yells "Hey that's not fair!"
I yell back " Life isn't fair!"
Then I plop down onto my new bed & look around, the room is a light gray with a gigantic window leading onto the roof. The branches of the oak tree lay against the shingles, If I wanted to I could climb down it. Not that I think I ever would want to.
My thoughts are interrupted when my mom calls our names and we make our way down stairs. As we walk Colton gives me a dirty look which makes me smile. We enter the kitchen and my parents say we need to take all our boxes to our rooms while the movers and them get the rest. So I do as I'm told & begin getting some of the boxes for my room.
As I'm walking I spot an attractive boy across the street that seems to be the same age as me, he's chasing around an adorable little girl. I'm so focused on watching that I trip on a box & fall to the ground, the boy looks over and we make eye contact . I quickly look away and try to get up, but I can hear foot steps coming towards me .
When I look up I'm addressed by icy blue eyes that contain a hint of worry. I hear the boy say "Are you alright?" But I'm so mesmerized by his eyes I forgot how to speak. He then begins helping me up.
I find my words & say "Yeah I'm fine, thanks."
He smiles & introduces himself "I'm Nash." He says.
Then I smile right back & say "I'm Addison, sorry I'm kind of clumsy"
He laughs & says "Well Addison if you ever need anything here's my number."
He then grabs my phone from the ground. It must of fell out of my pocket when I fell, Whoops. He types in his number & puts his contact name in as Nash 💜 .
Then hands it to me and says he needs to get back to babysitting his sister Skylynn. So we said our goodbyes then I watched as he walked away. I couldn't get this boy off my mind. He was so hot.
I decide to start getting my things set up in my room so i could get my mind off of it & I would be able to get ready tomorrow incase I was doing anything. Even though I knew I would just be sleeping since it was a Sunday. Next thing I know it's 3:00 in the morning & I'm almost done un-packing.
I wash my face, brush my teeth, then put on a t-shirt & some sweatpants. Then call it a night & hop into bed. As I drift to sleep the only thing on my mind is Nash.
Author's Note: Vote & Comment for another update if you liked it. Also if you have any suggestions i'd love to hear them.(:

Because Of You | Nash Grier Fanfiction
FanfictionAddison has the perfect life, at least that's what people think. Suddenly everything changes for her, her dad gets a new job in North Carolina. She's forced to restart at a new school. Will this move make her life worst or will someone make it the b...