Next Morning:
*Addi's POV*
It felt good to sleep in my own bed instead of the lumpy hospital one. So it was easy to sleep in, I look at my clock and see it's 11:00 in the after noon. I check my social media and see I have gained even more followers now I have around 200k! Then as I'm looking through my twitter mentions I see Nash tagged me in a tweet. I click on it and see..
Nash Grier: @AddiRusset is seriously so adorable.
I blush & reply back..
Addi Russet: @NashGrier Awe Nashypoo
Instantly my notifications blow up with favs, rts, and comments. I look through the comments and see a lot of hate but there's even more sweet comments like "You guys are so cute!" & "Naddi is real asf." I follow and fav the people who were tweeting kind supportive tweets, then remember I better take my pills. So I get up and go downstairs to the kitchen where I'm greeted by my mom making pancakes.
"It smells really good." I say practically drooling.
"Oh honey your up." She says.
"Yeahh." I say walking over to my pills.
I pop the 4 I need in my mouth and swallow them down with some water. Then I sit on a bar stool that sits in front of the breakfast bar.
"So how are you & Nash?" She says smiling.
"We're really good, I think I really really like him." I answer truthfully.
Just then Colton comes down the stairs, I can tell he heard us talking because he joins in and says " He actually seems like a pretty nice kid." Then sits down next to me, and gives me a hug from the side.
I smile widely at the fact that he likes him. I miss Colton we haven't really been as close since the move & everything that's happened.
My thoughts stop as my mom sets a stack of delicious, fluffy pancakes drenched in syrup in front of me. I lick my lips then set my phone down so I can dig in.
As I'm devouring the pancakes Colton asks "Woah why are you getting all these notifications??" Then grabs my phone that's lighting up & buzzing like crazy.
I finish chewing then answer "Me and Nash posted some vines and they got a ton of view and likes since Nash has 800k followers, now most of his followers are following and spamming me."
His eyes get huge "800k??? How many do you have?" He asks.
"I have around 200k now!" I say laughing.
"HOLY SHIT ADDI!" He screams.
My mom then says "That's a lot of followers!" Shocked.
I smile "It's weird I'm not used to it every time I tweet or post a picture or whatever I get spammed with likes and comments."
*Knock Knock*
I get up to get the door and there I see a bouquet of cotton candy sitting in front of the door with a note attached. I pick it up and read it.
Dear Addi,
I'll pick you up at 5, I'm taking you somewhere special. The cotton candy is your hint.I stand there smiling like an idiot then go back inside. Nash is such a amazing boyfriend.
"Who was that my mom asks?" Looking at the cotton candy questioningly.
"Nash." I say still with an enormous smile plastered across my face.
"Why did he give you cotton candy?" Colton asks giving a weird facial expression.
" He asked me out on a date and this is the hint to where we're going." I answer sitting back down and showing them the note.
" Hmm I wonder where he's going to take you?" My mom says.
I talk with Colton and my mom for a while, as I we finish up eating. I help put the dishes in the dish washer, then go to my room to text Jordan and Kendall in our group chat.
Me: Nash just asked me out on a date 😁 but he won't tell me where so I have no idea what to wear.
Kendal 🌸: FINALLY!😏 Wait, he didn't say where you were going?
Me: 😂 He said it was a surprise but he gave me cotton candy and said it was a hint to where we're going.
Jordan 🌸: Hmmmm I have no idea.
Kendal🌸: uhh a carnival or something?
Me: Ohhh it probably is! You guys should come help me get date ready if you're not busy.
Jordan 🌸: Sounds good, I'll pick Jordan up.😉
Kendal 🌸: Okay😜
Me: See you guys soon😂
Around 40 minutes later they arrive and we go to my room. They instantly go to my closet to pick out an outfit, as I sit on my bed and watch them intently hunt for the perfect selection. After a while of searching they pull out a white shirt that reveals my shoulders and match it with a pare of high wasted denim jeans that have white lace on the edge of them. Along with a small accent necklace that's gold with teal spikes. Then they throw me my teal vans to bring out my necklace. (Image attached)
I laugh and look at my reflection, I actually feel kind of pretty..
"Thanks." I say smiling at their compliment.
"Time for hair and make up." They state getting to work.
Jordan begins curling my hair with my 1 inch thick curling wand. Curling each piece of my light brown hair into perfect lose curls that just reach above my belly button.
As she continues curling my hair Kendall & Lindsey are doing my make up. They begin by gliding on some thin black eye liner on my upper lash line slightly making a cat eye, & then apply some rocket express mascara to lengthen my lashes. Lastly they put on a shimmery bronzer to emphasize my cheek bones. With that they're finished.
Now it's around 4:45 and Nash should be here soon. We decide to go downstairs to show off my look to my mom & Colton. We walk down the stairs and as I enter the living room their heads turn to look at me & their eyes go wide while they look me up and down.
"You look gorgeous!" My mom says stunned.
"Yeah you look great." Colton agrees. "Nash better not try anything." He says protectively.
"Thank youuu." I roll my eyes ignoring Colton's last comment.
Kendall & Jordan say they should go before Nash gets here. I thank them for everything and they each hug me and wish me luck, then leave.
I sit on the couch and go through my social media, like I always do when I have free time while waiting for Nash.
Author's Note: Thank you guys for over 400 reads! Hope you guys are enjoying it, update will either be tonight or tomorrow.(:

Because Of You | Nash Grier Fanfiction
FanfictionAddison has the perfect life, at least that's what people think. Suddenly everything changes for her, her dad gets a new job in North Carolina. She's forced to restart at a new school. Will this move make her life worst or will someone make it the b...