Part 15 - Every breath you take.

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"So how's is it so far? Have you made any friends?"
"Yeah! It's been great." You say as you fumble with a pencil.
Today you get to phone call your parents, friends, etc.
As long as you don't go over the limit, which is 2 calls.
You call your mom, since she's probably been lonley without you at home. Since she's alone.
You knew she didn't have too many friends, besides the people she sees at spin cycle on Sunday's.
Or the people at the nursing home she used to force you to go to.
You didn't hate it but it wasn't your favorite thing.
You got to talk to some of the people there and your favorite was nina.
Nina was awesome, she always does crazy stunts whenever your there and she gives off great life lessons and talks about her fun past.
Like how she went skinny dipping at prom.
Speaking of which prom is gonna be in less than two years for you.
She also said some really memorable stuff like
"Don't date a man that doesn't give the attention you deserve or isn't honest. Those are the bad ones."
You didn't think of it much at the time.
But you thought about it for a second about Noah.
He's always honest with me. He does give me plenty of attention.
You had nothing to worry about and you snapped out of your daze.
You didn't have much time left, who were you gonna call next??
You thought of some people to call but there weren't many options.
And besides, it wasn't that hard since you were gonna be able to call people soon anyway.
You decided just to skip the second call and give other people the time they need.
You walked out of the cabin that was the only one that had phones with cords on them in the wall.

You went back to your cabin and thought for a bit about your outside life.
You felt a lot more different than you did when you first came here.
You wanted to do anything else but go here.
But look at you now, now that you met Noah. Nicole, Julia! Your original plan was to just sneak out during the night and trek back home.
It was a dumb idea in general but your grateful you didn't do the dumb idea.
You looked down at your phone and scrolled through your contacts.
You found nina's contact.
You completely forgot you had her number! She gave it to you the day before you left for camp.
You smiled and clicked call on her contact. You made sure no one was there and you waited for her to answer.
You bursted out laughing.
You and nina had a long and good conversation for around an hour.
You guys caught up and she even told you about how she went scuba diving in Hawaii!
You were so glad you were able to catch up again.
It felt like home. Not that you didn't like camp, but you were getting nonstalgic from talking to her again.
You told her about you and Noah and she "wasn't suprised"
"You have a fit body Y/N! Don't let him take advantage of you okay!"
You could feel her wrinkly finger waggling from the phone.

"Nina! Don't say that I'm only 15! JeEz"

"I'm just reminding you...."

You got off the call with Nina and just in time noah walked in.
He lied down with his face on your lap.
"Who was that?"
"Nina. She's a elder from the retirement home I used to volunteer at."
"Oh, she sounded goofy. What did you guys talk about?"
"Just stuff about home and such. Whatever."
"Did she talk about me?" Noah said jokingly.
You didn't wanna hurt his feelings or anything since she said some funny stuff about him but it could be hurtful to him.
"Yeah she did actually."
"And..?? What did she sAy?"
"She said to not let you take advantage of my body since I had a fit body."
Noah laughed.
"I mean she didn't lie about your bod-"
"Noah! JeEz"
You both bursted into laughter.
"You know I wouldn't take advantage of you right, were a bit too young for that."
"Of course Noah she was probably just joking around that's all." You say as you pinch his cheeks.
Noah smiles cheekily and blushes.
You bend down and kiss him passionately 😳

"Y'all b crazy" Nicole buts in.

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