Part 21 - Im a peice of shit!

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(Listen to the Song above while you're reading this chapter pls 🥺)
You and Noah haven't talked or been in contact since the fight. Its been a week. You don't know how to feel. You don't even know if you guys are broken up. Even though he said some really mean shit you just couldn't get over him. You miss how things were.
You miss him.

You miss you guys together.

You told nicole about everything that went down and you just can't get rid of your mood. You can't stop crying every night. This needs to stop.

You get up in the morning, you felt in a better mood and have been trying to get better in the past few days. You curled your hair and put your hair into a ponytail and did your makeup Better than usual. You felt confident. You felt. Better. But still like shit.

You walked out of the cabin with Nicole next to you. She got a good look at you for a second and smiled.
"You look so much better! I'm proud of you girl!" Nicole said happily.
You smiled and felt warm on the inside.
Nicole glowed and took your hand and you both skipped down the hill.

You were talking to nicole and babbling about random stuff when you felt eyes on you. You looked around for someone else's eyes and found Noah's.
You both stared at each other for a while and you smiled softly. You wanted him back. You wanted you two back.
He gave a sentimental look and smiled back slightly and looked away quickly.
You felt hope for you two and you could feel it.


You snapped out of your thoughts and looked over at nicole. She looked at you dead in the eye.

"You know he said some really mean stuff about you right? He has no right to just say that your a terrible girlfriend and then come strolling back like nothing hap-"

She got cut off by Noah placing a hand in your shoulder.

"Hey y/n, can we talk?"

You felt yourself turn pale like a piece of Swiss cheese and you wipped your head around.

"O-oh um yeah sure."


You and Noah both walked off and you could feel Nicole's dead start at the both of you, especially noah.

You sat on the bed and Noah sat next to you. He kept his eyes on the ground. You looked at your hands. It was silent.


"I'm sorry." Noah mumbled, you could barely understand him.

You already felt your eyes fill with tears. You bit the inside of your cheek to keep them back.
You nodded in response.

"Did you really mean what you said that night."

"Of course I didn't y/n. I was upset about callie leaving and wasn't in the right state of mind."

That's what they all say. You bit your lip and think.
You look at him for the first time in the whole conversation and he looks back.

"Noah. I love you a lot and this whole thing has been on my mind since it happened and trust me I want you back so bad. But those words hurt me so bad you know that right? I know we both said some really mean things but it still hurt."

Noah eyes start to well up with tears and he nods.
He tries to form words but he can't.

You smile softly and laugh a little, you let subtle tears fall down your cheeks.
Noah shook his head and let the tear fall down his cheek.

"I-I'm Sorry. You have every right to be angry with me y/n. I should have never said anything in the first pla-"
You interrupt him.

"I'm sorry. I know it is difficult for you to trust people and my lying to you hasn't made it any easier. I shouldn't have lied no matter how afraid I was of your reaction." You responded.

Noah immediately pulled you into a hug andyou hugged back quickly. You never wanted to let go. You let the tears fall down your cheeks and you sobbed quietly into his shoulder.
Last time it was an ocean of guilt and shame.

This time its an ocean of happiness and joy.

// A/N: OKAU so the next chapters are gonna be kinda weird and I'm sorry to say I'll be ending this story very soon so I can post and work on my other stories :(
I know this didn't last that long but I don't really have any other ideas for this story anyway so.
If you do have any ideas of how to continue the story or would like to take on the story itself and continue it on your own account lemme know! Thanks!

804 Words

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