Part 19 - Emergency.

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You heard rustling from the bottom of your bed and next to you on the floor.
You slowly open your eyes and adjusted to the dark light in the cabin.
All the girls silently slept except callie, who was the one grabbing her suitcase under her bed and rustling all of her shit inside of it.
You sat up confused and looked down at callie.

You mumbled sleepily "callie what are you doing?"

Callie looked up at you unexpectedly, put a finger to her mouth and "shhh" quietly.
She closed up her suitcase and stood up with it and left.
You watched confused, and a bit sad. You were hoping she wasn't leaving since you and her were super close. Well, maybe Noah or Nicole has her number. You decided to worry about it in the morning since it was 2 am and you fell back asleep.

You woke up and opened your eyes, you adjusted to the bright light in the room as girls in your cabin scurried around like usual getting ready for another day.
You sat up and got dressed and ready like everyday for the past two months here. The fact that you only have a month left here saddens you but excites you for what's ahead with you and Noah.
You also realized there was another game today. You remembered your first day here, in which you basically embarrassed yourself in front of the whole camp by getting shot in the chest with neon yellow paint by a girl probably 10x better than you. But it also put a name to you and gave you more respect after you started dating Noah.
You wondered what the game would be today. But Noah probably knew since he always help led usually like he did last time with Chloe.
You walked out with Nicole at your side and you walked down the damp grass.
It reminded you from the one night when you and Noah ran down the grass from the pool. Even if you and noah break up you will never forget that moment. Ever.
You waited in the big crowd of the big group called camp and looked around for Noah anywhere but you didn't see him. You decided to continue talking to nicole but you remembered what happened to callie last night and decided to mention it to nicole.
"Hey so I saw callie pack up her stuff and leave last night, do you know what that's about."

Nicole looked at you unexpectedly, almost the same look callie gave you last night.
She nodded slowly and looked around before moving closer to you privately.

"She heard there was a family emergency happening at home and the camp didn't tell her, so she left."

"What do you mean left? You mean-"

"She left without the camp knowing."

You looked at her, stunned. That sounded nothing like callie would ever do. You knew callie wasn't very fond of her family and she disliked some of her family members but leaving?! Camp?! Without them knowing?! That sounds like something you would like suggest to her and she would piss her pants if she ever thought of doing it.

"H-how is she gonna get there-? H-ho-"

"She contacted friends she knew and there driving her back to Minnesota to see her family there."

"Are her parents gonna be upset??"

"No. She's fine Y/N. Just don't bring this up to anyone. Especially Noah. He doesn't know about it yet and he would be devastated to hear that callie left him behind."

Left him behind?

You frowned and nodded slowly. You didn't know that Noah liked callie that much to be upset about it. It's not like you were upset but you weren't gonna throw a fit or anything.
What would happen if I told noah? Would he cry? Would he be mad at me?

You shook your head in frustration and looked up at nicole.
She seemed more quiet than usual, was she sad too? I mean of course she was, callie and her were best friends and she wouldn't want her to leave. Right?

"I'm really sorry nicole, I knew you and callie were really close and I know you can probably see callie in the future!"

Nicole looked at you with sympathy and nodded.
"Thanks. I'll be fine and I'm still in contact with her throughout the way."

You smiled and kept a mental note to get Callie's number or contact from Noah or Nicole later.

Will I ever see you again in the future after this?

A/N: once again, thank you so much for all the support! I'm now at 2.33k views and I'm now at #3 in the Noah Schnapp tag and I'm so happy. Please if you wanna talk to me or just be my friend dm me on Instagram! (Schnapp_fr0g)
Thanks and ily all! Also sorry this chapter was kinda short 🥺)

823 Words

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