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(Lex entered the room he devoted to investigating the Kents and looked at his wrecked car from the bridge where he first met Clark)

(He pulled up the computer simulations he'd made of the incident, watching closely at the way the car hit the person at full speed, both falling into the river)

(Lex thought it was time to test his theory, without friendship holding him back anymore, if Clark wouldn't tell him the truth Lex would force him to reveal it, no matter the cost)

(Lois' heart was hammering nonstop as she drove up to the Kent farm, she had never been this nervous before, she could never have even fathomed the idea that Clark Kent of all people could make her feel this way but she knew her desperate attempts to deny her feelings would eventually fail her for it was becoming increasingly clear that despite the odds Lois Lane had a crush on Clark Kent..and it was driving her nuts)

(She made her way up to the loft and sure enough there he was, looking out at the night sky, before she could consider having second thoughts and leaving, Clark turned around making her heart leap into her throat something she'd never ever admit out loud)

Clark: "Lois..I..didn't think you'd come back."

Lois: "Yeah..me neither. So uh..Chloe told me she talked to you."

Clark: "Yeah we set things straight I think."

Lois: "So listen as much as I'd like to pretend this morning never happened..it's become real clear that I'll never forget it. Uh I mean..that I can't stop thinking about it. No..ugh!"

(Lois hated herself for blurting out such soap opera dialogue but somehow she knew she wasn't lying about what she said)

(Clark grinned and shook his head)

Clark: "It's okay Lois. I won't tell anyone."

Lois: "Good because my cuz and your mom already know way too much. So uh...we should probably address the main topic here....I kissed you."

(Clark gulped hearing her say it out loud)

Clark: "..yeah...you did.."

(Lois cleared her throat uncomfortably)

Lois: "Well I hope you didn't read into it too much. I mean the last thing I'd want is to make you think we're anything more than bickering frienemies."

Clark: "Oh no of course not. Don't worry Lois. I wouldn't do anything to make you feel uncomfortable."

Lois: "Good. Because I was wondering if..maybe there's something that we could do that um..we're both comfortable with and maybe seeing as..we already...did it..it might be.."

(Clark walked up to Lois without thinking about it, something about the way she was talking and the look on her face spoke volumes about what she was feeling and Clark couldn't deny that he was feeling something similar)

Clark: "Lois..what are you saying?"

Lois: "I'm...saying..." (Lois' voice was a whisper at this point, she gazed into Clark's eyes longingly and nervously as Clark looked back in Lois' and at this moment both of them stopped thinking and let their feelings tell them what to do..and both were feeling the same thing)

(Clark and Lois leaned in at the same time and very slowly and tentatively pressed a sweet kiss to each other's lips)

(The kiss was delicate and gentle, lighting a fire within both of them as they gradually increased the intensity of the kiss, it soon became a much faster kiss that involved more and more tongue as it progressed)

(Utterly distracted by their kiss, Clark and Lois didn't notice the massive crane that was swinging towards them from outside the loft window)

(Clark's super hearing picked it up and he went into super speed mode, he broke the kiss and turned to see the crane's beam approaching the barn, prepared to slam into him and Lois unless Clark did something)

(Clark picked up Lois and carried her, still in super speed out to the field and then ran back into the loft and stopped the crane before it smashed into the barn, he blocked it with both hands and shoved it backwards knocking it over)

(Lois saw the whole thing from where she was and as Clark looked outside to see her staring wide eyed at him, Clark knew there was no lame excuse to talk his way out of this one, Lois had seen everything)

Lois: "Guess I should stop calling him Smallville."

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