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(Clark rushed into his house)

Clark: "Mom! Dad!"

Jonathan: "Clark? What is it, son?"

Clark: "We have a serious problem. We have to leave."

Martha: "What? Why?"

Clark: "Lex. He knows my secret. He set up that crane."

Jonathan: "...what? What did he say?"

Clark: "He's coming after me. You're all in danger and there's nothing stopping him from revealing my secret to the world. That's why you need to go. Get as far away from Smallville as you can."

Martha: "What about you?"

Clark: "I have to stay and deal with this."

Jonathan: "No. Absolutely not. If we're leaving you're coming with us."

Clark: "Dad this is my responsibility. I was the one who set Lex down this path. If I'd have just told him years ago none of this would have happened. I have to fix this."

Jonathan: "How?"

Clark: "There's only one person who can stop Lex...Lionel."

Martha: "No.."

Jonathan: "Clark Kent under no circumstance are you to go near that prison do you understand me?"

(Clark couldn't waste more time arguing so he super sped away instantly leaving a stressed out Jonathan and a worried Martha)

(Lionel Luthor lay on his bed in his cell when he heard commotion outside)

(Clark broke through walls at super speed so no one could see what caused it, and ran past several guards until he reached Lionel's cell and ripped off the door)

(Lionel watched in amazement)

Lionel: "Incredible. I always knew you were special, Clark."

Clark: "Save it. Let's go."

(He grabbed Lionel and ran out of the prison with him, stopping when they were a safe distance away)

Lionel: "Wha..? You..?" (Lionel chuckled) "Well this certainly wasn't the evening I was expecting."

Clark: "Look I only broke you out because I had no other choice. Lex knows about my powers."

Lionel: "And you think revealing them to me, not to mention breaking several laws in the process will solve any of your problems?"

Clark: "You're the only one I know who can stop Lex from coming after me."

Lionel: "While I appreciate your naive perspective of my parenting prowess I'm afraid Lex is not one to change his mind on something once it's been made up. Especially not due to my interference. What do you think, Clark? You think I could just tell Lex to leave you alone and everything will work out?"

Clark: "I'm out of options, Mr Luthor. You're the last person I'd come to for help but no one knows Lex better than you do. If there's any way to prevent him from telling the world my secret you have to help me."

(Lionel thought for a few moments)

Lionel: "All right. I'll help you. Under one condition. When this is let me go. Don't send me back to prison."

(Lionel offered his hand)

(Clark hesitated but then shook Lionel's hand)

Clark: "Deal."

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