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Bethany's POV

You were sitting on the bench alone until...

You were fucking kidnapped!

you felt a sack go around your head and then everything went black...

The bitches POV (Miah,Angie and Hiruni)

45mins later

Miah- it's been 45mins and Beth still came back. I know that something is wrong so I have to find her...
Angie- Beth wasn't back yet. I got the feeling that something was wrong. and I'm sure that Miah and Hiruni can feel it too
Hiruni- my best friend wasn't back yet.. she's never out like this for that long exempt for shopping and Basketball. I should asked the bitches.

Bethany's POV

I woke up in an unusual room with 1 window that was painted in black.. Wow whoever didn't block the window is smart. I can just jump out just like that!

I try to move but My legs were tied up to the chair is was sitting on. Great...

I move my hands towards my back pocket and felt a rectangular object.... MY PHONE!!!!

I grab my phone and called 9 1 fucking 1!!! (See what I did there? No? Okay....)

"Hello, this is 911 what's your Emergency?" The lady asked

"Apparently I'm kidnaped and I don't know where I am and I'm really scared" I whispered across the line.

"Ok, ma'm we've tracked your phone down so the police will be there in 30mins" the lady said"what!30min!" I screamed ish whispered..

I dialled Hiruni's number and told her what happened

All of a sudden the door opened and I saw a face I would never want to see again!

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