The day of the loss

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Behind the slim built trees was a house. This house was named the blacksmith shop; where four special people live. These four people have shared two different elements through the four. Water and fire.

The main couple of them though are named Ray and Maya Smith. As their children are named Kai and Nya, Kai being the oldest being two years apart from Nya. The two hotheaded males are both the two still living fire masters and as for the two females, they are the still living water master.

Now, your probably wondering who is writing this now aren't you.
Well my name is Kai Smith. My sister calls me Mr hothead sometimes. Well I'm now 8 years old making my sister Nya 6. I have always help my parents in chores and greeted lots of new people.

Although my family was lonely, we were still a happy one that always stick together. I am very overprotective of my baby sis sometimes and always stay with her when my parents go out.
But. All the happiness ended till this day.

I was playing in the front garden playing with Nya.
I pass the ball to see her catch it passing it back to me. We laugh together as we carried on.
"Your the best brother ever!" She giggled running up to be hugging me tight. My father walks up to us picking up Nya.
"Hello daddy." I smiled with joy staring at the tall figure in front of me.
"Hey son, could you go and get some of that left over wood I had left in the forests?" He asked pointing to the dark forest in the distance.
"O... ok." I answered with a little stutter as I started to walk off to the woods.

I was always scared of the forest. I had never been in alone. My dad would always take me in to help him collect wood for a fire. As I crossed the wooden bridge I look down at the lake. How the water splashes down the sides of the dirty ground and around rocks. As I stare down I found my reflection. It was hard to see it as I was that short that I was trying to pull myself up. I was soon able to stay in one position to see myself. Some moments later a saw a black shadow pound behind me I jump and fall down splashing into the deeps of the lake.
I yelp as I fell wafting my arms in the air. I couldn't swim yet though, I was going to have lesson next week. I looked down to see a branch hang from underneath me. My hoodie got stuck on it and I slipped out fall down. In one splash I was sowcked with the water getting flushed down.
I scream.
No one came...

It had been one hour since kai had left. Maya and I were getting extremely worried now. I decided to go look for him in the forest. And off I went.

I was staring out into the ghostly darkened forest seeing nothing. I walked up to the wood to see no one.
'Where could he be? Maybe, he was kidnapped or he fell down a... now I'm starting to act like Kai's mother' I thought to myself and went back to the bridge to get home. I lit my hand with a elemental flame making my vision see where I was going.
I soon reached the bridge and look down to see a lake that flew down. I soon found a red material hang on a branch.  I ran to get it. And then I found out it was.
"Kai's  hoodie..." my eyes widen as I spoke to myself. I run all the way home no looking back.
'What have I done...'


"I told him to go and get some wood from the forest!"
"Why would you let him go on his own!"
"So your blaming me now!"
"Well who else's fault could it be!"
Shouts of arguments came from my door. My parents had never argued before. I push my pillow in my face crying into it. I just wanted to have a happy family all the way through my life. I slip my pillow off my face listening to the noice. I hopped out of my blue warm bed and plodded out.

I looked at the two. My mum slapped my dad.
"Why didn't you get the wood not Kai he's not your slave!" She screamed. I peeked around not letting them see me.
"I know he's not my slave, he's nearly nine and I thought he could try!" My dad yelled back.
"Ugh, why did I ever marry someone who could not look after his own child!" She snapped and my dad stopped for a second.
"If you don't mind, I will be sleeping in the living room until you calm down." He was calm but serious and left the room to bump into me.

"Nya what are you doing up?" He asked very calmly.
"I...I couldn't sleep because of you both shouting." I stuttered as he picked me up kissing my cheek.
"It's ok how about you sleep with me." He recommended with a bright smile.
"Ok daddy." I smiled back brightly and he carried me to my room.

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