The kiss

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I sat on my bed. I looked up to my ceiling. It had already gone midnight. A sudden nock came to my door. As I walked to the door one faded shadow was there. Creeping open the door I saw him...

"Kai?" I questioned him not wanting him to be here.
"H... hey I wanted to talk to you." He blushed lightly with a stutter. I was quite confused.
"Oh... what is it the?" I asked and he bit his lip.
"First, I forgot your name." He chuckled shyly scratching his neck in a nervous way.
"Oh...lloyd." My answer pleased him has he gave a bright smile.
He just stared into my eyes.

It had been some second and he said nothing.
"So.... is that it?" I was still confused, but he jumped out of his thoughts making his blush go bright red.
"N... no." He stuttered again. I didn't know what to say. I thought to myself and came up with what to say to him.
"Well... it's a bit la...." I was cut off. Lips crashing into mine. My eyes open up wide. I felt my blush heat up. He quickly pulled away and looked embarrassed.
"I'm sorry I..." I kissed his cheek with a giggle.
"It's ok... I kind of liked it." I chuckled and he smiled.
"Ok see you tomorrow." He ended the chat and hopped over to his balcony and winked. In one blink of my eyes he disappeared. Small giggles came from behind.

I swung a powerful hit with my hand to knock out a orange haired ninja. He fell to the ground with a thud. It was jay...
"What was that for you brat!" He snapped.
"Jay shut up or we will be caught." Cole slapped the blue ninja.
"Why do I always get hit." Jay moaned crossing his arms and stood up. Nya and Maya giggled.
"What?" I questioned with confusion.
"Are you going to tell us about you boyfriend." Nya chuckled with harmony.
"He was one of the reasons why I called you here." I confessed with a blush. They all came closer.

"So what is it?" Cole asked with a begging face.
"I was talking to him earlier and he told me his name." I explained and their eyes where wide.
"What is it?" Jay was so exciting he sat down in front of me cross legged.
"You might be surprised." They all sat down like jay staring at me. I felt like a teacher telling my class a story. I looked to the smith couple who weren't begging as much as the others.
"His name is..." I was cut of to feel to arms land on my shoulders.

"Lloyd what are you doing with them." He looked weird as he spoke .
"Oh... meet my friends, Jay, Zane, Cole, Nya, Ray and Maya." I greeted them. As he heard Nya his eyes were wide.
"What's wrong kai?" I asked and everyone gasped.
"Kai..." maya stood up to her feet and slowly walked up to my brown headed crush.
"Yes?" He questioned looking down to look at maya.
"Don't you remember me?" She asked with worry cover her face. He answered with the shake of his head. Until I came up with something.

I whispered to the brown haired lady and she smiled.
"Well I guess I haven't found my 'baby boy' yet." She sighed and walked to Ray who was confused. His head shook. He let out a quiet moan of pain to then look around.
"W... what happened?" He asked and hissed in pain from his head.
"Kai?" I questioned and held his hand.
"Huh... how do you know my name?" He looked so confused and turned to his parents.
"Mum... dad what's going on?" He asked them and they smiled.
"Well first of all this is your boyfriend Lloyd." Maya chuckled pointing to the now blushing face that was me. He looked to me with a smile.
"We should leave you be." Nya giggles with a wink to her brother. He walk up to me slowly. They excited the room leaving us alone.

He wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped mine around his neck. Our soulmate eyes stared at each other glimmering into them.
"Thank you for bringing my family back." He spoke as he kissed my lips. I smiled in the kiss as he pulled me closer deepening the kiss. We pulled away.
"I love you." I whispered as I wrapped my legs around his waist and he took me to the bed.

It was the next morning. Kai and I were laid in bed. He was still asleep though. His mouth was open with a little bit of slave drawling out the side. It was cute. I then lift my body up and admired my room. It was quiet and peaceful, just the way I liked it.
Soon I was yanked back to the bed to see my brown haired boyfriend.
"Morning." I smiled and pecked his forehead.
"Good morning," he stated, "I wonder what we are doing today." He ended with a yawn.

Some seconds after a voice came from the speaker.
"Good morning, today there will be a double battle of two of  you masters. There will be three different battles.
The first one will be...
Ash vs shadow.
Then the second...
Nature vs mind.
Finally the last two.
Position vs the hoodie boy."

I was confused for a second until kai spoke.
"Guess I'm against a girl." He smiled scratching the back of his neck. I looked at him gobsmacked.
"Wait why are you called the 'hoodie boy' he should say your element?" I asked he chuckled.
"You will see I'm kind of special to the others." He answered and left to get changed.
I couldn't wait for this!

'But what element is he?'

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