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Sailing across the seas. Waves splashing against the boat. I watched the creature from above embrace the wind as they flew. Everyone had gone looking around. For me though, I just wanted to watch the sea and feathered dragons flap their wings.
I was surprised for someone to tap my shoulder.

"Hey..." an unrecognisable voice hit me. There was the figure of a strange hooded boy.
"Oh... it's you." I was still annoyed from the reaction he had earlier. He sighed with guilt.
"I'm sorry about before... I'm not used to talking to strangers." He explained as I turn my back on him.
"It's ok at least not everyone shrugs their shoulders at me." I complained to his apology.
"But why did they leave you alone?" He asked leaning against the fencing of the boat.
"They wanted to have a look around and I didn't so if you don't mind could you just leave me alone." I hissed backing away.
"Whose the one being rude now?" He snapped and it stopped me.
"Who are you?" He looked away.

"Someone you don't want to know... someone who has been alone all his life." He replied with sorrow in is voice. I stood next to him again.
"Surely you had someone." I tried to make him think. It kind of worked.
"All I remember is falling down a huge water fall and then getting lost in a massive forest." He jotted in before letting out a sigh.
"You know... your not the only one who has lost family." I confessed with a frown.
"W... what do you mean?" He questioned with a stutter in his voice.
"My father and mother left me when I was very young. My dad was evil and I don't know about my mum." I explained to him.
"Have you found them yet?" He asked me.
"I have found my mother she at home but my father... he disappeared after ninjago was attacked by a humongous snake." I commented back to him.
A smile came to his face.

"So... what is you name?" I asked him for the second time and he was about to answer me.
"My name is..." he was cut off with a bang of a bell.

We were all sent inside. I didn't get the chance to listen to the boy. I still wanted to though.
We all got to a large room that we all got compacted into. Sitting around forming a circle. A purple hatted man came up.
"Hello my elemental friends." He greeted with a smile. He walked to the middle of everyone.
"You would all think that your very special to be part of this competition." He chuckled with delight.
"I can see the old masters of water and fire have agreed to come." As he spoke about the smith couple I turned to see the amber eyes boys mouth open in shock. What was he so surprised about.
"You will all be sent to your rooms." He announced and we were told to follow beautiful ladies.

I came to my room. I had a: nice, soft emerald green bed. I looked to see a picture of everyone. There was everyone in the team. Jay, Cole, Zane, my uncle, my mum, Nya and her parents. I smiled.

Some moments later, I had finish getting dressed. I walked out of the room to a lovely balcony showing the incredible view of the ocean. I was jumped by a voice next to me.

"Hey it's you again." There was the boy again. He looked very different now he was out the hoodie though. I smiled speaking back.
"Hey... guess we can talk more now." I giggled with a bright smile. He didn't reply to my comment thought. He changed the subject.
"So I never got your name." I was mind blown.
"Sorry... my name is lloyd." His reaction was weird.
"Lloyd Garmadon." His face was shocked as I nodded. He started to laugh.
"Wow, I never knew out of every elemental master that I would speak to you." I confessed.
"I'm kai." He commented back. My eyes widened.
"K... Kai Smith?" I stuttered with my gob open.
"I don't know my last name so I'm not sure." He explained. I was so confused.
(1 hour later)

We had started our first competition. We had to get a blade that was hidden from us in different places. The hole team had there's and the two people left were Kai and this some metal man.
We came together to talk.

"Who do you think will get the last blade?" Nya asked us and we thought hard.
"Well I hope it's that hoodie boy he is kind of weird." Jay explained and everyone disagreed.
"Why would you think that... I had a chat with him today and he seems like a nice guy." I explained as jay smirked.
"Ooh, someone is in love." Cole cooed up to me.
"Shut up cole." I hissed annoyed.
"I think Jay is correct, that boy has about 45% chance of winning against that metal man." Zane commented. And look who it was.

"Hahaha, I have the blade!" It was the metal man. He stood there cheering with joy until and arm flopped off. And there he was.
"Sorry tin boy you had a lose screw there maybe next time." He cooed with enjoyment and ran off to the blades stand.

Cheers were spread across the room except one moan from the loser.
"But he cheated!" He moaned carelessly.
"It's the only thing I could do to win." The confusing brown haired boy confessed.
"There were better ways to win." Ray recommenced as he glared at the brown head. His eyes opened up.
He stood back a little.
It doesn't matter now all what does is that we have a loser!" Chen announced and pushed a yellow button on his wooden chair. A hole appeared under the tin can and a scream was heard.
"Guys meet me at my room at midnight..." I whispered as they nod.

'There is something very strange about that Kai...'

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