The time to feel powerless

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I was standing against my black haired little sister. I could see the fear in her blue ocean eyes as she wobbled in position like a tail of a rattle snake. That amber girl was already defeated by the two of us which was my plan at the start. I never expected to see the person I love the most be the person that I need to fight to carry on. I knew what I had to do though. It is for her.

The blade was in the centre of the room. My side was like a cracked desert with lava flows drizzling through the cracks. As for her, she had tiny sandy yellow specks if sand underneath her. We both stare at the blade with a beggars minds.

I looked to see my long lost brother wink with his ruby red eye. He was up to something.
When we were both little he always did that, but he always did it in a cute way which is not how it looks now. I could tell how lloyd find him a dreamy person. The way he smiles with a bling on his white perfect teeth. Or even the way his spiked delicate hair embraces through the wind. I could tell that all my friend would want my big handsome brother for anything.

I stare at the baby blue blade as it shimmered from the sunlight from the clear sky blue sky. I really didn't want to fall but If I got the blade Kai would feel the pain. We didn't even know what was down there!

Kai started with crash of the two elements he had making a monstrous cloud big enough for no one to see. I could tell that he didn't want anyone to see what we were doing.

We both slipped into the cloud. He grabbed my shoulder with the blade in his hand. I could see the worry that made me terrified.
"Listen to me ok sis." His whispers were sharp.
"You can have the blade and I'll be the one to go ok." The demand he gave me was disagreeable.
"I'm not letting you go not again." I snapped with my whisper. I was pushed away with the blade in my hands. Cheers were auctioned as Kai fell to the floor with a smile.

I gasped. Down he fell like a weight. I looked to his blonde haired boyfriend to see the speechless look on his face. I didn't know what to say.

But I knew everyone's reaction.

As my hotheaded boyfriend collapses to the floor I find his short haired sister hold the blade with her two hands. The crowd went wild. In a bling of an eye that fallen brown haired body disappeared. I was gobsmacked. And disappointed of what happened to him.

I sat at the table eating noodles. I looked to my right forgetting that my red suites boyfriend was and saw his black haired father instead. I huffed with a annoyed look.

"What's wrong lloyd?" The older male spoke.
"Oh... I'm fine." I replied and found a smirk from behind. You know who it is.
"Oh I bet he misses his hotheaded boyfriend." Jay cooed with a laugh at the end, but it didn't make me mad. I crossed my arms and held my tiers in.
"You wrong... I'm just tired that's all." It was hard to not say my answer in a sad way but it turned out to work. Jay just shrugged it off like it wasn't his business at all. The older male place his hand on my shoulder.

"Hey don't listen to him, if Nya has lost the fight he would just be like you." He whispered not letting the lighting master know what he said.
"Thanks mr Smith." I smiled with joy.
"Just call me Ray future son in law." He winked as I got up from the table. I giggled.

'I think jay is right'
(1 day later)

It now had been 1 day since the time kai left. To be honest I feel different without him. The way he smiled at me or kiss me was like the warm air hugging me. I really missed him.

Everyone now had been in a battle against each other now, but me and the others haven't been against each other yet.
Laying on my green comfy bed I pushed my head up to be slung around in shock.

I open my eyes to see a dark room. Notices echoed from behind as I walked down. I ran frightened of the noice running to a rocky corridor seeing guards stomp with a familiar body following them.
Brown hair, orange clothes, a normal coloured skin just like kai's. Then I thought of something.
'That's Kai'

I quickly drifted to the close rocks in front peeking over to see the beautiful ruby eyes of my hotheaded crush. He looked like he was in pain from the fall. I look to see one random guard just wondering g behind like a loony. I punch him knocking him out unconsciously.

I followed the remaining guards with my weak boyfriend dangle from their arms. He couldn't do anything. He was to week to do either his water nor his fire power at all. I just followed the others as they all lent down as their master came out.

"We are all know what we are here for. Power, revenge and most of all Anacondrai." He mighty voice made the room cheer.
"My decision of having the two only sibling in the competition was a success. The most powerful one didn't want his own sister to feel this pain. He did."
His smirk on his discounting face grind with greed.
"Now we will take his power for us all to be Anacondrai!" After his one announcement everyone cheered loudly luckily no one looked at me.

Kai looked down to the ground where his knees were. He had no idea this would happen at all. As the evil Chen used his staff to remove the power a scream fused out of the helpless body.
"AHHHHH!" He screamed as I tier came to my eye. I ran off to find my way back to my room.

'Poor Kai'

Hey guys!
I can't believe I am carrying this on now. I'm glad you chose this one. I kind of knew it would be this one. Sorry if you have been waiting some time for this.

I can't remember last time I posted 😂😅
So I'll try to post tomorrow on this and also try to see if I can make you guys moan for more by giving you horrible cliffhangers.


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