Two elements combind

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My head was in a aching pain. All I saw was a muffle of black and greys. I didn't know what happened I couldn't remember. I slowly open my two skin covers up from the two eyes that they had been hiding under them. It was blurry at first until i could see to beautiful sparkling eyes; that led me down to a bright smile.

Arms were wrapped around me. I knew who it was. His blonde smooth haired head sank into my chest as he hugged me. I smiled sleepily and saw my parents and Nya.
"How are you?" My mother asked with a sweet smile.
"I'm fine just a little tired at the moment." I answered her question with a yawn.
"How did you do that earlier!" A orange haired boy with a blue suit blurted out in my face.
"Jay don't shout at him!" My sister snapped slapping the hand of the boy. I laughed a bit.
"Well... Jay, I found out that I was water and fire when I was 10." I confessed and my parents gasped.
"But that hasn't been done before." My father was confused. I looked to my blonde boyfriend as he looked up to me.

"So, are you alright now?" He had a worried face.
"Of course I am I was only knocked out from the poison in my eye." He didn't smile at all everyone looked at each other with worry.
"The poison didn't just go in your eye Kai." Nya was a little upset as she looked up with her eyes to mine.
"What?" I was so confused at this point until I felt my eye.

It felt different. As I trailed down my eye I felt my finger slide into a small pit. I gasped.
"It left a scare on your eye." Lloyd mumbled in sorrow and hugged me again. I was speechless.

I sighed as my hands cupped Lloyd soft skinned face up. I kissed his forehead.
"Hey Im used to it I have had many before." I smiled showing him my arm. A burnt mark.
"How did that happen?" A black haired boy came up to me asking the question.
"Well... I was in a volcano and I found a boy into the middle as it was erupting and got burnt in the process." After I spoke that sentence everyone's eyes exploded I scratched my head.
"Kai... that was me you save." Lloyd gave me a small smile on his face that made me confused.
"No... no it can't of been you he looked around 10!" I was mesmerised from his answer and thought it was a lie.
"Just after an eruption from the Volcano I had a tea that made me older and killed the Grundle." My eyes were wide as ever he kissed my lips as I was in shock.
"Wow." I smiled sillily as everyone laughed.
(Later: Lloyd)

I was listening to the sound of music. The way the wooden based instrument played made me relax. I open my eyes to see the black fuzzed hair man wonder around listening to the sound. I hoped over making no sound what so ever.

Turning i stomped their ground making the disco balled man blast a source of sound shattering the object. Nothing.

I repeated the process many time but didn't find anything. There were now two more left. I found my opponent strum the piece of music accidentally hitting one. There it was. I ran up to the blade trying not to make a sound. In a swipe cheers were created as I lifted the blade with my right hand with a huge smile. For the other though, he disappeared with a hit of a button. Everyone went silent as I wondered where it went.
(Dinner: Kai)

We were all sat at the table together. I was next to my father and Lloyd. As the food was put out I looked to lloyd to see him pass me a note.

Unfolding the paper I found a photo of me and some writing on the side. I realised what was going to happen soon. I whispered to his ear and he nodded in response. I looked to the owner of the competition and wondered to myself.

'What is he planning?'

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