Dont disrespect your girlfriends brother

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I couldn't feel anything. My heart felt a sudden cold feeling that I had never in my life felt before. I slowly make a gap through my eye lids to see myself chained to the bricked wall behind. I was freezing.

I shiver with a cold breeze embrace my spine trying to keep warm. I click my hand to create a small ball of fire. Nothing came up. I couldn't remember anything that had happened to me until I hit my head to the wall hard.

Memories of myself came flying back like a cinema picture from a movie. I saw my cute little sister, my blonde boyfriend and everyone I had met in my hole family. I woke from a sudden noice from in front.

"And me..." the annoying orange head buttered in from behind before getting slapped at the back of his head by the cold ice ninja.
"We are here to get you out." The light toned nindroid announced with a whisky whisper of cold.

The door came down making a loud shattering noice. It was the earth ninja. Lloyd came running in embracing me with a loving hug.
"Hey greenie miss me." I chuckled. He slapped me.
"Don't you greenie me mr how dare you leave without saying goodbye." He snapped not impressed with my joke. I huff.
"It was only way to keep my sister in I knew there was something weird about that guy and I didn't want Nya to get hurt." I confessed as Zane snapped off my chains with his metal saw in his arm. Lloyd lifted me up.
"Thanks zane." I thanked the ice ninja and he smiled in response.

"Guys quick it won't be long till someone finds out what we are doing." Cole panicked getting our attention. My mine clicked.
"I know what to do." I announced as everyone stared at me. I looked at lloyd.
"What is it?" The blond asked with slight confused face. I smiled as they all came close to me.
"The plan is...."

Two guards wonder in.
"Where did he go?"
"How am I suppose to know you bozo."
"Ugh, how are we going to tell master Chen we lost the boy."
"I don't know, but we should look around he can't have gone to far."
"Ok let's go."

"Where are we?" The annoying blue ninja who has stole my sisters love asked me a question.
"When do you shut up orange hair." I snapped with attitude. Cole laughed.
"Hey, I'm not orange hair I'm Jay your sisters girlfriend." He snarled back and I turn to strangle him. I was stopped.

"You better stop talking about how much you love my sister or your life with end right now." My anger took control. Cole, Lloyd and Zane pulled me away from the annoying brat as I soon calmed down.
"From now on Jay stop talking and shut your gob at the minute your not helping." Lloyd defended me with a snap at Jay that made him shrug off.
"Why would I listen to the green gay boy." He hissed that made Lloyd step back. He was done now.
(Warning bad language)

"IF YOU DON'T SHUT YOUR F***** GOB YOUNG MAN I WILL BURN YOU ALIVE WHEN I GET MY FIRE BACK NOW LEAVE LLOYD ALONE AND STOP P****** HIM AROUND!!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs before gasping for air. I turn to ladder behind and climbed up leading up to my bedroom. I was so annoyed now.

I ran through the secret door to see everyone. I gasp as the others ran in.

"Going somewhere little boy..."

Hey guys sorry I didn't post when I said I would I wasn't in the mood to type this. Also I'm sorry that it only around 600 words. I thought this would be a good cliff hanger.
I'll try to post at least till Sunday.

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