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It was time. Time for the first fight of the competition. Ash and shadow stand far apart from each other. Both with smirks on their faces.

In one poof the ash master disappeared and transported behind the shadow about to kick the shadow but... he missed. The shadow bounce up dodging the kick and landing behind. He smirked.

Once he did that he turned to see the blade and ran for it. But the ash master disagreed and flashed balls of ash at him. This was not good for the shadow master for he didn't see and was knocked over by the hit. You would never think that a gas could hurt so bad. The grey figure appeared next to the blade and chuckled. After his chalking laugh he swiped the.... banana and gasped in misery and found the shadow master with the ocean blue blade glitter in his dark hand.

After the battle had finished Chen pressed a button that sent the ash figure down. Not able to come back up...

Now it was time for plants and minds. The ground was damp with the green rooted roots sticking up from the brown slug. They stared at the blade with a brave but greedy smile.

The first move came from the old bearded man stomping his staff in rage as the vine lifted him to the blade. The black and grey haired figure struck I headachy current making him fall with a thud.

The nature master was furious and grew massive snakes from the grown wrapping around the black suites man. But this one man didn't give up. Sending a sensitive current to the father nature making him fall week. The vines let go of their grasp and out jumped the mind master still forcing the current on his opponent. He wiped the blade out the ground and cheered with glory.
He had victory...

Now was the time for the final battle. The one we were waiting for. Poison and my hotheaded boyfriend Kai. Everyone was extremely outraged to find the power of the long lost boy. Ray thought he was just a fire elemental.
But he was wrong...

The rocky ground was separated with water to the other side was sand. The green haired women took the first shot by blasting a shock of poison at the red clothed ninja. She missed. I couldn't see kai's face it was covered with a hoody. As he pulled it up though. The water wobbled. The lave from the cracks raised up next to him. His hands lit up with fire as for his legs were hovered other water. I heard gasps from everyone near me.
He was fire AND water!

He blasted both fire and water at the poisonous girl knocking her back. Cheers came from the crowd.
As he ran to the blade though. A hiss came to his face as the poison hit his right eye. Grabbing the blade he lifted it up trying to hold the pain back. He had won.
The women had been taken away as he fell down to the ground.

I jumped out of my seat and ran down to the entrance to him but was blocked.
"Sorry no one is aloud to go in." A guard announces. I was outraged and blasted the door with a green ball of light and slipped down to him.
"Kai!!" I yelled but I didn't get an answer.

I looked at his slinging eyes to see the light fade away. I look up to see a brown haired women. The bucket in her hand was tipped onto the hothead. The skint of his eye became normal and I picked him up.
'Water can heal him'
I then walked him inside to my room.

Hey guys, sorry so short this time. It's getting a little late for me and I kind of wanted to start with Kai waking up in the next one (spoiler). I hope you are all enjoying this story (cant believe I'm still writing it) and I'm sure the next one will be tomorrow!

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