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I was stood far apart from my lovely wife and my amazing daughter. Guard separated us from one little touch. The old evil Chen stood staring at the wall with a smirk.
In some seconds the wall opened and out came.
My son...

"Going somewhere little boy?" My son glared at the snaky man as the others came in with a gasp.
"Who are you calling little boy you monster!" Kai snapped with fire raging through his eyes.
"Well I would call you little fire boy if you had your elemental power back but I guess without you power you just a little boy." He cooed. Now I was outraged.

"You can't say that to him. Kai has been there for everyone ever since we came back. He will always have his fire in his heart and that's why I love him!" The blonde defended my previous son with love.
And that's when it happened.

In my swipe the evil snake slashed his snake clawed nails down the amber eyes of my son. He screamed with pain. Lloyd luckily help him.
"See he is only week he will never love you he is doing it for himself. To get him out of here!" Chen zapped with a laugh.
My son got up.

I lifted my body up to face him with anger. I was going to show him what I could do.
"How about we have a battle." I recommenced and him and the guards laughed.
"You think you can defeat me, you have no power and I do." His attitude turned me on making me more angry. I nodded my head and he shrugged off.
"Take the others to the battle room. We'll be getting ready." He chuckled and everyone left.

I face the old looking Chen with a fire burn through me. His staff glowed with power in his left hand. For some reason though I only felt warm and I could calm down. I had no clue why though.

He started by flashing a ball of poison at my face. It missed as I jumped away.
"That was just a lucky move." He snarled and zapped it again. He missed again. He grunted his teeth rapidly zapping poison and other crazy elemental powers at me. He missed every time until.


I was hit.
Falling to the floor I grunted in pain from the element. But that wasn't it for me.
"Ha I got you, you are very stubborn to do that!" He laughed with pride.
"Stubborn is my middle name." I chuckled as I jumped up with a smirk on my face.
"The amount of things I have done that were stubborn are to many. I agreed with my father to get that wood. I made myself fall down that water fall. I am the one who made myself broken. I AM THE ONE WHO GOT MYSELF HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!" I snapped as my hands lit on fire. He gasped with shock.

"B... but I have your element I stole it from you." He stuttered of embarrassment. I shot both fire balls at him making him crash into the wall. He fell down crashing to the ground with pain in his face.
"Your elements isn't given to you, your element is created by you." I confessed glaring down to him.
"And you will never have an element because of how stubborn you are to try and defeat a true elemental master who has created his power by not being stubborn." I ended my speak as he lifted himself up.

"Ok... you win..." he mumbled with guilt.
"Now let my family go." I demanded and he let out a sigh. He lifted himself up.
"Guards... let them go." He sighed strangely.
I turn to see lloyd running up to me. In one big jump he kissed me with joy as I wrap my arms around him. He pulled away.

I look back to find Chen not there. Then there was a voice. It came from behind.
"I will get you some day boy, and you will live through the pain I will give you." He shouted as he ran out the building. Everyone laughed.
"I don't think he will ever learn his lesson." My father laughed with a slight chuckle.

We all wondered out and there I saw...

"Wellcome to the bounty brother!" My sister cheered as I boarded the unusual ship.
"Wow... I have never seen anything like this." I gaze at the different places we could go to then to loud who was staring at me.

"So... do you like it kai?" He asked and I just chuckled as I came closer to him.
"What do you think?" I questioned him and he looked confused until picked him up and crashed our lips together. His eyes widened.

Some minutes later I place him down.
"Does that answer you babe." I smiled at the tomato faced blonde as he exploded into happy tiers.
"Your the best boyfriend ever!!!!" He screamed and jumped on my arms.
"I know I am." I smirked as we kissed again.

The ship wobbled as we parted from the kiss. I had lloyd in my arms with his legs around me.
"Wait until your uncle sees your new boyfriend, Lloyd" my father chuckled with delight.
As we were lifted from the ground into the air.
"Oh yeah I forgot about him." Lloyd chuckled still in my arms. I did to and we kissed again but for longer this time.

The end.....

Or is it....

Hey guys, I know this story is very short. I am just excited to start over to a new one. Thanks for all of your support on this story and if you want me to carry on with a new book I would gladly do it.
Bye bye!!!!!!!!

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