Dont disrespect the siblings

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(Some days later)
In my room I lay. Arms and legs spread out like a star fish under the ocean. I heard a sudden knock from the door as I lift my covered body up.
"Who is it?" My question made the door open.

In one glance of a move a black haired girl walked in; with her blue eyes she stared with joy.
"Hey big brother I wanted to talk." I never imagined that I would see my little sister again. The way she had grown without a brother like me.
"Sure... what is it?" My question made her sigh as she sat down next to me.

"You won't leave me again won't you." Her answer made me unbelievably shocked. The soft skinned face looked to the ground. I could tell that she didn't want me to go. I hugged her.
"Of course I won't you my sister; my family as well." The sad frown turned to be a smile.
"Thanks big brother your the best!" The smile of joy sank through my vanes to my broken heart that had been in sharp pain ever since I left.
"I love you little sis." I whisper to find her response.
"I love you too big bro." The hugged that I started was pulled away.

I look behind to find two loving already couple stare at us with love. Our parents.
"Oh my lord that was beautiful..." but that wasn't either my mum or dad who spoke. It was the most annoying person out of everyone I met. Jay walker.
"Nya when will you "boyfriend" leave you alone" my father reaction was just like me.

The siren went off.

'Good morning everyone, today there will be another three fights of you all! You all may already be ready for it. Today I'm here to pronounce the six contestants for this today's competition. But there will be something new. Every time someone is knocked out the remaining one will go against another in the next battle. So here they are.
Water vs shadow
Amber vs speed and
Gravity vs fire/water
These six will fight each other in today's battle.
But remember only in can remain?'

The speech ended. Nya gasped and stared at the two of us. I felt gilt drain my strength.
"We cant do that one of us will have to lose either way." Nya gasped as she shot off the bed.
"That's why I'll go..." letting out a stuttering sigh I stood from the bed to look at the four gasps.
"Kai. No you can't!" Nya begged me to think of something else but I didn't.
"I'm sorry Nya but you have to trust me." My calm voice made her calm down in one instant. I had a plan. My parents look at me concerned.
"What is you plan son?" My father asked still looking concerned. I smirk.
"You'll see father." I chuckled as they left the room.

I sat down on the wooden bench to see my back haired sibilant stand against the misty shadow. I could tell she was terrified. The way her arms shook every beet with a her legs. This made me worried.
The only reason why though is because I need her in the final.

The soft wooden bridge was over a slushy water liquid. There were two rocks on the side of the four crossed bridge. The bridge was just like a plus sign.
Where the two rocks were there was a vase standing on top.

My little sister took the move. Flipping over into the middle blasting a hush of strong water at her opponent. The shadow was hit. Falling to the floor in socking wet manor.
As the shadow struggled Nya stayed closed eyed to the water she was above. Water raised up to the vases circulating them. As this vase was delicate and easy to brake the water smashed them showing the blade on her left.

A mighty jump was created from her as she pounced to the blade to suddenly be hit my a black cloud. She gasped as she lifted the water over the cloud gusting it away. She fell down to the floor passing to the blade. In one flip her hand grabbed the blade. She had won the competition.
(Battle 2)

I never really got to see these two strange elemental masters battle. I didn't even expect that they would ever be a master of speed. I held my blonde haired boyfriends hand tight. I expected the amber to win but am I right?

The red head past down hitting the speed master in a time of a second.  Everyone was completely shock of her speed.
"I have got to say out of everyone amber is the strongest." My mum chuckled from the side of me.
"Why?" I asked and she giggled.
"Amber can be anything she might even have your power you never know." My father answered my question with a smile.
"How does she do it?" They both a smiled at the question. I looked confused.
"By touching you of course." I was go smack at the answer. I turned back to fight.

There she was. Standing up with a powerful blade shining in her hands. Everyone cheered. I smiled.
I looked to see my green boyfriend smug off.
"I'm way better than her." He growled as I smirked.
"Is someone jealous of the orange girl." I chuckled as he turned red.
"No why would I be jealous of her you don't like her!" He panicked with a red blush. I just laughed.
I stood against the floating wizard as everything around him floated. I was kind of worried though. The ground was the same texture as last time. The blade in the same place.

The gravity pushed me up into the air and dropped me crashing back down to the ground. Lifting the blade the man was about grab the blade but with a my special power I mocked the blade out with the power of water making it slide to me.
"Thanks." I laughed and grabbed the blade lifting it in the air.
Cheers were swarming.
Two more fights to go.

Hey guys, if you haven't noticed but I have been doing two stories on my account and don't know if I should do two. I've seen people like my 'old family' more than this and think I should delete this one. (Sorry) but I think it's up to you. Tell me witch one to delete and I will do the one with the least amount of votes.

Lost or old "family"

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