New challenge

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"What was that!" Nya questioned with wide eyes. I peeked over the chairs to see men with face paint on sterling money from the counter.
"The place is getting robed." I announced and all five of us jumped out of the seats.
"Hey! You should do your makeup better you look like a depressed women!" Jay snapped clutching his fist. I shook my head.
"What ever tour doing you need to put it down!" I snapped lighting my hand up.
They gasped in shock shoving the money back running out through the back entrance.

We all run after them even my uncle mr and Mrs Smith came too. We swung the two door open.
"Where did those bastards go!" Jay went all jumpy swinging his nunchucks around. Nya knocked him out with one punch.
"That's my girl." Ray smirked with joy. You could tell that he still hated jay.
"Guys have a look at this." Cole shouted and we all run up to him.

He held a written piece of paper with a hot looking photo of someone. I blushed.
"W... whose that?" I stuttered burning up red. I didn't expect to get an answer from her though.
"I... it's Kai..." the wife of my best friends father smiled with happiness.
"Are you sure that's him honey he looks different." Ray scratched the back of his head confused.
"Of course I know what my baby boy looks like he has my brown hair and your amber eyes." She explained crossing her arms.
"Wait until he find out what you just called him." Ray chuckled knowing is reaction.

I stared at the photo not taking one blink. I had always been gay, but I never knew any guy I had like at school or here. I was cut out my thoughts though.
"Awww lloyd has found his soulmate." Jay cooed evilly still looking dizzy from the punch.
"Awww Jay looks a little sick still maybe I should knock you out properly." I cooed backs with a growl at the end. He did shut up though.
"Don't listen to him lloyd I think you and Kai would get along well." Nya giggled cheerfully.
"So what are we doing, are we going to just talk or are we doing what it says." Cole groaned with misery. Zane took the paper off him.

"Hey!" Cole spat like a baby.
"It say that there will be a elemental competition for tomorrow, and that we can come but... Wu can't." Zane explained scanning through the the writing.
"It doesn't matter I will stay at the bounty with misako." He agreed.
"I don't think it's a good idea though it says that someone named master Chen is in charge of it." Cole recommenced and got a glare from Nya.
"Come on Cole, my big brother is going to be there and I want him back it's been hard you know without him for 10 years." She complained with a sigh.
"Fine..." he groaned in agreement.
"Come on then we need to get ready!" I hopped in happiness.
"Someone is happy." Maya giggled witch made me blush hard to think of it.
"I never knew that the looks kai got off me would attacked guys." Ray chuckled with a smirk.
"I know right he has told me how handsome you look for your age." My mouth opened wide in complete embarrassment as I run off.
The last thing I heard was I yell from the water head.
"Wait lloyd I'm sorry!"

We were all ready. I had all my ninja suits and random clothes ready. I walked down to see everyone stand by the door.
"Finally ready lloydie, I bet you can't wait to find your true love." Jay started to annoy me again.
To not show my anger as I passed him I punched him straight in the face knocking him out to the floor. I giggled as Cole picked him up.
"Good one lloyd you should do that more often." Cole smirked carrying both of his and jays bags and unconscious jay himself.

We made it to the decks. A row of other masters were lined up. Coming to the back of the queue we spoke. I couldn't wait to find Kai.
"There are lots of people." Nya mind exploded.
"Why did you think there would just be us as elemental masters." Maya giggled.
"That what we were told." Zane commented the question looking confused.
"Master Wu with all his lies. There are 100s of others." Ray explained but there wasn't hundreds there. I looked to see a red hooded boy in front. He looked tall slim and I caught a glims of brown spiky hair. I turned back to the others blushing.
"What is it now lloyd?" Nya smirked messing up my hair as she rubbed it.
"Hey!" I snapped pulling her hand off.

The line got smaller and smaller until we ended up at the front. A strange man stood there.
"Welcome ninja I didn't expect you to really come. And mr and Mrs Smith." He greeted as we crossed the wooden plank.
"We aren't here to win we are here for something else." An annoying voice popped up from jay again.
"Jay shut up." I snapped and knocked into the hooded boy. I couldn't see hardly anything but a glims of amber shocking me as I apologised.
"I'm sorry... I didn't see you." I apologised. He just shrugged and walked off. My blush faded away.
"Rude." I grumbled coming up to the laughing faces.
"Now you can see what our reaction to you when we first met." Zane laughed with a smile.
"Hey I was only 10 I'm now 17 who is now the green ninja." I showed off with a smirk.
Everyone laughed again excepted me. I stared back at the figure. He was staring back. I flinched and thought.

'Who is he?...'

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