Chapter 29

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     Early tomorrow morning, the trial would be starting, and Lyon planned to spend as much time with Lara as possible, before that happened.  He couldn't bear to leave her side until he was given the hallucinogenic potion, later tonight. Lyon wanted to make sure she knew how much he loved her; that she meant everything to him.

     This was definitely not going to lead up to the romantic night he would've liked, but it would have to do.

     Lyon leaned against the door frame of the training room. Very rarely did he get to see the life force at work. He didn't understand it. But he couldn't deny it's power.

     Lara was sitting cross legged in the centre of the floor, on one of the stamped symbols, directing the energy through a crystal she was holding in her hand,

      He could actually see images flare up from the crystal. They morphed into different shapes as if telling its own story.  A seed sprouting shoots and growing into a small leafy plant, before transforming into a blossomed tree, then dropping its leaves as the cycle of life ended, returning back into the ground. 

     Lara's body started glowing then, just like the crystal, as the same images were projected all around her. Except the tree turned into a forest, thriving, full of life. It was beautiful to watch. She was beautiful. Her face looking so serene and peaceful. Entranced by the new skills that she had acquired.

     Lyon suddenly noticed Greno,  sitting cross-legged, levitating above the wooden table, to the right of the doorway. He had his eyes closed, but Lyon somehow knew he was aware of his presence. Lyon had seen Greno around the castle grounds, but had never had much to do with him, previously. And the times he had, his self controlled poise had always displayed one of dignity and authority. He was definitely a powerful asset to have on Lara's team.

     "When you're finished gawking at the talent so far above your own, that you couldn't possibly comprehend, maybe your majesty would care to actually put in some effort, and partake in a little training session? Say, a combat dual with Princess Larayna in the arena? Unless, of course, you're too tired, then I would understand your refusal. Being a king and all, must be sooo... demanding." The heavily laced sarcasm hit the spot, exactly as Ennar intended.

     Since Lyon had overheard him that day, even Ennar had seen the stress placed on the young king in ensuring his wife-to-be would not come to any harm. The king needed to see that Lara was, well and truly, very capable of taking care of herself.

     Much to Ennar's own amazement. Princess Larayna had far exceeded his expectations in such a short amount of time. To the point that Greno should be embarrassed. With one lifeforce, the potential was mind-blowing. But with two... well, there was just no limit. He now actually expected her to have a fighting chance.   Some other members within the team... not so much.

     "I can see your gallantry has not improved any. But such a request... how could I refuse?" Lyon bowed his head in Ennar's direction.

     "Excellent. I'll just get their attenti... Oh, they're already here." He didn't sound too happy. Both Lara and Greno were standing beside Ennar. Sometimes he hated the fact that they could do that. Just appear out of nowhere. He was just a three-dimensional head inside a tree-root scroll with no legs. Hopefully, The Elders were able to deliver on their promise of giving him movement. There was no way he was staying behind. That was the proviso that would allow him to join the team. He wanted to be there and actually see the fighting on location, for once in his life, and not from the safety of The Elder's rooms, as per usual.

     Lara was smiling like a love-sick adolescent, just happy to see Lyon. Ennar had been a hard task master and there had been little time for anything else. But, truth be known, she had enjoyed every minute. For, after receiving the life force, everything just seemed to come natural to her.

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