Chapter 13

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     Lara found her wounds healing amazingly fast. The herbs that Rhonda applied every two hours had worked miracles. It had only been three days and she could hardly feel the pain in her chest. The holes where the blade pierced her skin were almost completely sealed with hardly any scaring to be seen.

     Her grandfather had snuck in several times when Rhonda was busy elsewhere, only to be escorted immediately out when she returned. The doctor had been very strict about no visitors during the initial days, excluding the king of course, and had ordered lots of bed-rest, which had paid off, but it was driving her crazy. Even Lyon was given a stern look by Rhonda if he stayed longer than she thought necessary.

     Henry put his head around the door, after knocking.

     "Is the drill seargent present?"

     "No, she's been dismissed from sentry duties. I only need to have the dressings changed morning and night. So I'm free to mingle with the peasants at will."

     "Excellent. 'Cause I'm pretty sure she hates me. Do you feel like mingling now?"

     "Of course, come on in."

     "So, how's my girl?"

     "I'm recovering unbelievably fast. They won't tell me what the herbs are, probably afraid I'll steal the recipe. Even the doctor couldn't believe the results. Apparently, it doesn't usually work this well. "

     "My miracle darling. You know, your grandmother always called you that. In fact, she also had a pet name she used to use when you were a tiny tot, now what was it....... Just give me a minute, I'll think of it..."

     "I don't recall her calling me anything else besides Lara."

     "It'll come to me......"Henry sighed, feeling dejected at his memory loss. It had been getting worse of late. Sometimes he even lost hours in the day. 

     "I know it will grandfather. Just give it time." Lara could see the frustration. Since her grandmother had died, she would sometimes find him sitting with a vacant look as though he was trapped in the past. And she was afraid one day, he would be unable to return.

     "Now that you're feeling better, I need to discuss my leaving. I have to return your grandmother's ashes to their rightful resting place.

     "I don't understand."

     "I know you don't. Maybe we should have told you when you were younger, but there just didn't seem to be the appropriate time. And then we thought it was best not to say anything."

     "Say what? Grandfather you're not making sense."

     "I suppose you're here now. You may as well know the whole story. Are you sure you're feeling alright?"

     "Yes, I'm fine. Although you're starting to worry me a little."

     " Okay, Okay...Do you remember me telling you how your grandmother and I met?"

     "On one of your archaeological digs in California. It was love at first sight."

     " Ahhh...Not quite. Actually, it was in Nevada, at Crystal Mountain in one of the caves. I had just stumbled upon the ancient drawings on the cave walls, of the Argentavis Magnificens, they looked just like Conny, when I found your grandmother curled up asleep against some rocks. I tried to wake her but as you know, she always was a heavy sleeper, but her unexpected companion wasn't. She was hidden beneath Arraya's shawl, so I didn't see her at first, but she sure made enough noise to wake the dead. I never realized a baby could scream so loud."

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