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I paced the hospital floor, waiting for Dr. Wallace to come out. The waiting room was filled with dozens of people all waiting to hear the results of Dr. Wallace's toxicology report. Sheriff Lincoln Maxwell paced the room with me and Grayson.

"Tell me again what happened," Lincoln said. He was twenty-seven, making him the youngest sheriff Mistmoor Point had ever had. He was also the cutest. But then again, I might've been a little biased. We'd gone out on exactly eight dates and each time I thought Lincoln got a little bit cuter than the one before.

Just now, however, Lincoln was driving me up the wall.

"I've told you," I said, trying to keep the irritation out of my voice. He'd drilled me a thousand times already on what had taken place this evening. I suspected that he felt guilty about missing the party, but being sheriff meant that sometimes he had to work even when he didn't' want to.

"Tell me again," he snapped.

I glared at him, and his cheeks colored.

"Sorry. I'm just trying to understand what could have caused this. There were roughly three hundred people at the party. Nearly half of them have turned up sick. How could something like this have happened?"

Edith had been hovering nearby. She took Lincoln's question as though it were directed toward her and jumped into our conversation.

"I'll tell you how," she said. "Amelia Redfern, that's how. Everyone knows she has her head in the clouds. She obviously did something when she was baking her pastries for the mayor's party."

I sent Edith silent daggers with my eyes, but Lincoln looked as though he was considering the idea.

"What are you even doing at the hospital, Edith?" I asked. "Blossom and Calista are fine. You're all fine. Go home." I eyed Blossom and Calista sitting in the corner, looking bored.

"I came to see how the mayor is. He's a personal friend of mine, and I feel it is my duty to make sure he receives the best possible care."

I opened my mouth to point out that if they were such great friends, then he wouldn't have chosen my mother to cater his party. But Dr. Wallace came out just then.

I worried that he was about to get mashed by the crowd as they rushed toward him. Luckily, Grayson had brought along some of his deputies and they interceded before the doctor could get trampled.

"Witches and gentlemen," Dr. Wallace said. "Please, everyone take a seat. We don't need any more injuries this evening."

People stepped back, but most remained standing. Dr. Wallace sighed before continuing.

"Normally, I'd be speaking to each of you individually regarding your family members, but since this is an unusual... an extraordinary case..." He cleared his throat, feeling everyone's eyes on him.

"Norbert Clark is dead," Dr. Wallace said matter-of-factly.

There were murmurs and gasps. It was true that Norbert was old, but he had been in perfect health. He was one of the most beloved people in Mistmoor Point.

Dr. Wallace held up his hands for attention as people began to panic. "Norbert is the only one to suffer such an extreme fate. With the exception of Mayor Singer and Amelia Redfern, everyone else is fine. They have all been treated and will be released shortly."

There were cries of, "Thank the wizards!" and an audible sigh of relief. My heart, however, was sinking fast. Grayson and Lincoln stood beside me, looking frazzled.

"What's wrong with our mother?" Grayson asked.

"And the mayor?" Lincoln added. His face was tense but it only set his jawline better. I wanted to nuzzle my head against it right now.

"Coma, I'm afraid," Dr. Wallace said.

"The mayor's in a coma?" someone in the crowd asked, alarmed.

"I'm afraid so," Dr. Wallace replied. "His wife and daughter are in with him now." He turned to me and Grayson. "If you would like to join your mother..."

Grayson's face turned to ash.

Lincoln wrapped his arm around my waist, resting his fingers lightly against the band of my jeans. I was grateful he was here. I knew he had to be because of his job, but I was pretty sure putting his arm around my waist wasn't anywhere in his official code of conduct as a sheriff. That was all Lincoln. And it was all for me.

"Can you tell us what caused this?" Lincoln asked.

The waiting room seemed to have relaxed slightly, knowing that their friends and family were going to be okay, though several people were shedding tears over poor Norbert.

Dr. Wallace expelled a long breath and leaned in toward Lincoln. "It was poison," he said quietly so that only we could hear.

"Poison?" I squealed loudly. Lincoln shot me a look. The word "poison" traveled quickly around the room. Mistmoor Point didn't usually see so much excitement.

"I haven't yet been able to determine what kind," Dr. Wallace said, looking only at Lincoln now, who was taking notes. "We're running more tests, and I should have an answer for you in a few days."

Lincoln nodded. "Is there a chance this was accidental? Perhaps a slight mix up of magic?"

"It's possible," Dr. Wallace said. "I found one other item of interest that I can't quite explain... cat hair."

"Cat hair?" Lincoln, Grayson, and I all asked together.

He nodded. "Yes. It was mixed in with some of the food samples we took from the restaurant."

Grayson gulped. "Doc, is there any chance that... that it was my food that was poisoned? Not my mother's?"

"No," Dr. Wallace said, shaking his head. "We checked that. Your food came back clean. The poison was only found in the baked goods."

"All the baked goods?" I asked, still unable to believe this was happening.

"Everything except the eclairs, cupcakes, and butterscotch buttons."


Those were the exact items I was in charge of making. My mother had made most everything else. Lincoln seemed to be having the same thought. He was one of the few warlocks born on the island and knew everything about everyone. He knew my mother was a little daffy, but he also knew she was the best baker anywhere. I didn't like the look on his face. When Dr. Wallace returned to the back, he turned to me and Grayson.

We huddled together away from the crowd. "Felicity, is there any chance that your mother—"

"No," I said, quickly cutting Lincoln off. "Mom may be a little... bubble-headed, but she's never messed up a recipe in her life. You know that."

Grayson and Lincoln exchanged a doubtful look.

"You can't really believe my mom did this. Do you?"

"Not on purpose," Lincoln said. "But you have to admit, it sounds... possible."

My anger overflowed. "I can't believe you two!"

"Felicity, they found cat hair," Grayson said.

"So? Lots of people on the island have cats, not just Mom."

"Has she taken Sunny to the shop with her lately?" Lincoln asked.

I hesitated. Grayson and Lincoln exchanged another look and I knew I'd lost. Lincoln hadn't even investigated yet and already he was blaming my mother.

"I'll prove you both wrong," I yelled. "I'll find out who did this and clear my mother's name!" I turned from them with a huff.

"Felicity!" Lincoln called after me, but I had nothing more to say to him.

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Cozy Mystery: Cake Spell Disaster (A Haven Witch Woman Sleuths Book) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now