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"I didn't kill Norbert!" Edith cried. "Are you crazy?"

"You are also under arrest for the attempted murder of Felicity Redfern, Amelia Redfern, and everyone at Mayor Singer's party."

Edith was sobbing loudly.

"Has everyone gone mad?" she wailed. "This must be a dream. Pinch me and wake me up," she pleaded with me, her eyes already red.

She seemed so sincere that for a brief moment, I wondered if we'd gotten things wrong. But it had to be Edith. All the pieces fit. We had the demigone. Edith clearly had the means and the motive. Well, the motive was a slight sticking point. She did have the mayor's birthday party to look forward to catering, but I didn't think that dismissed her desire for my mother's Oven-Hot recipe. She'd been after it for years and would've stopped at nothing to get it.

"What in the wizarding world is going on here?" a woman cried from the front door.

We all turned to see that the humans had disappeared and been replaced with Blossom and Calista.

"They think I poisoned the mayor's party with demigone!" Edith cried. "Have you ever heard anything so ridiculous?"

"That's impossible," Blossom said. "Let my mother go." She stepped farther into the bakery. Calista whimpered behind her as Blossom pulled a wand from her purse and pointed it directly at me.

Lincoln dove for Blossom before I could even blink. She stepped to the side just in time and managed to avoid being tackled by him.

"Kanincus!" she shouted and pointed her wand at Lincoln. He went flying backward and hit the opposite wall.

"Lincoln!" I yelled, running to him.

His two deputies were wrestling with Edith, who was surprisingly strong for a woman of fifty-five. I wondered if she drank some sort of elixir to make her muscles grow. She managed to get away from the deputies and ran toward Blossom, but Lincoln was already back on his feet. Lincoln was a powerful wizard. He never carried a wand with him on duty because he had no need for one. He could create spells out of thin air.

"Lockin Cufmorus!" he yelled, pointing his finger at Blossom. Handcuffs wrapped around her wrists, and she dropped her wand.

Calista began to wail now, too. She was even louder than Edith.


I felt bad for Calista. No child should have to witness their mother and grandmother getting arrested. I hurried toward the door and tried to push her outside.

"Nooo!" she cried.

"Calista, please," I said. "You don't need to be here for this."

"Blossom Woodruff," Lincoln said now that she was cuffed. "You're under arrest. For obstruction of justice, resisting arrest, and conspiracy to commit murder."

"Conspiracy to what?" Blossom cried, looking at Lincoln as though he'd just told her the sky was red.

"Let my daughter go!" Edith cried.

"Let my mother go!" Calista cried.

"I've done no such thing!" Blossom declared.

"You can tell it to your lawyer," Lincoln said. He and his deputies led them toward the front door.

"Wait!" Calista suddenly shouted, jumping in front of her mother.

"Step aside, Calista," Lincoln said. "You have nothing to do with this."

"I have everything to do with it," Calista cried. "I... I'm the one who put the demigone in Amelia's desserts!" Everyone in the room stopped moving. "It was me! It was all me!"

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Cozy Mystery: Cake Spell Disaster (A Haven Witch Woman Sleuths Book) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now