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"I knew business would pick back up," I said, smiling at Grayson.

"I guess you were right," Grayson said. The restaurant was packed. After word had gotten out that Amelia had nothing to do with the poisoning, things had gone back to normal. Cakes and Creations had reopened to better business than ever, and The Golden Goose was booked to the max nightly.

Grayson had reserved the best table in the restaurant for us. We sat around it now with Lincoln, Dr. Wallace, and our mother. Mayor Singer and Tazzie were seated at another table nearby. Kayla was with them, and she kept glancing our way. I saw Grayson look at her and smile. I thought I might know who the girl in his car had been. No wonder he'd wanted to keep her identity a secret. The mayor was very protective of his daughter. I'd have to remind Grayson to pay Damon Tellinger the money he owed him.

"I got a letter from Calista today," I said. Everyone stopped and looked at me.

"Well, what did it say?" my mother asked.

"She apologized again for everything and asked if she could do something to make amends when she got released from Witch Hill."

"Like what?" Grayson asked.

"She offered to wash our dishes for a month and teach Sunny how to get his own tuna."

We all laughed. "Sunny might actually appreciate that," Amelia said. "Tell her thanks, but just the same, I think we can manage our own dishes."

I nodded in agreement. The last thing we needed was Calista back in our bakery.

A sudden silence fell over the restaurant. Amelia's mouth dropped open as her eyes turned toward the doors. We all looked where she was staring and saw Edith walking toward us, holding a plate of cupcakes. She slowly approached our table.

"Hello." Her hands were shaking. "I'm sorry to interrupt your party..."

We just stared at her. None of us had seen her since the Witch's Council had ordered Calista to attend wizardry reform school until she was eighteen. They'd also banned her from ever doing magic again.

"Hello, Edith," Amelia said. Our eyes bounced from one woman to the other. "Something we can do for you?"

Edith pursed her lips and took a deep breath. "I wanted to say I'm sorry."

I thought my brain might explode. Edith Woodruff! Apologizing?!

"I brought these for you. Strawberry chocolate happiness cakes." She handed the cupcakes she'd brought to Amelia, who set them on the table. We all looked at them suspiciously.

"Thank you. That's very kind," my mother said.

Edith stood awkwardly at the table for a minute. No one asked her to sit down.

"Well," she finally said. "I should go." She turned and headed back the way she'd come.

"That was weird," I whispered.

"Do you think they're safe to eat?" Grayson asked.

"I doubt she'd try to poison us," my mother said. "At least, I don't think so." She frowned at the cupcakes.

"I'll be the brave one," Lincoln said. "Let me at them." He grabbed a cupcake from off the plate and stuffed it into his mouth.

We all waited to see if he'd drop dead. Nothing happened.

"You know, Amelia," Dr. Wallace said. "When you were in the hospital, Edith came to visit almost every day."

We all stared at Dr. Wallace, shocked.

"You're kidding," I said.

"I'm not. She was more worried than she cared to admit. Whatever's happened between the two of you, Amelia, I think Edith wishes things were different."

My mother shoved her way out of the booth so fast that Grayson fell on the floor. "Edith!" she cried.

Edith paused beside the front doors and turned around. My mother stopped in front of her, hesitated, then took Edith into a hug. Both women began to cry. I felt my own eyes welling up.

"Women," Grayson said. "I'll never understand them. Friends, enemies, it's all the same to you."

I pinched him, and he jumped in his seat. I caught sight of Kayla laughing across the restaurant. Grayson blushed.

"I may not understand women," Lincoln said, taking my hand, "but I think I understand you pretty well."

I smiled back at him. "What am I thinking right now?"

He squinted his eyes, concentrating. "That you'd like to give me a back massage after dinner."

I laughed.

"I was thinking that I'd better pick up some more Kibble Tuna for Sunny. That cat sure can be demanding."

"Sounds a lot like a certain witch I know," Lincoln said.

I grabbed one Edith's cupcakes and shoved it in his face. Pink frosting stuck to his lashes. Grayson cracked up. Lincoln tried to scowl but couldn't help smiling.

"Strawberry cupcakes always were a favorite of mine," I said, picking another off the platter and taking a bite. "Life just isn't worth anything if you don't have cupcakes."

* * *

Cozy Mystery: Cake Spell Disaster (A Haven Witch Woman Sleuths Book) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now