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At home, the house felt empty. I was paranoid sitting here alone. I hadn't received any other threats, but that note had gotten to me more than I wanted to admit. I'd shoved it into my purse and tried to forget about it, but every time I was alone, I felt like I was being watched.

I sat down on the couch, replaying everything the mayor had said to me and Lincoln at the hospital. When I was leaving, Lincoln had tried to talk to me, but I had nothing to say to him. I felt utterly betrayed by him.

"Sometimes the sheriff is a dum-dum," a voice said, interrupting my thoughts.

I turned to see Sunny march in through the window. He moved so fast he was nothing but a white blur. It was part of his powers as a familiar. Each familiar had a specialty—some could move fast, some could jump high, some could change shapes. Sunny moved like he was Superman. He jumped up beside me and began to nuzzle my hand with his head. I scratched him under the chin and he started purring like crazy.

"I was beginning to wonder if you were ever coming back," I told him.

"Sunny's been busy," he replied, licking his paws.

"I know. So what did Sunny find out?"

He put his paw down and looked me in the eyes.

"Sunny has been following Nightshade. Nightshade has been to the bakery. He is looking for something."

"I knew it!" I shouted, triumphant. "My Mom's Oven-Hot recipe!"

Sunny shrugged. "Perhaps."

"Perhaps?" I asked him. "What do you mean, perhaps?"

He licked his lips. I could tell he was thinking. His green eyes brightened, glowing softly.

"Is there something else?" I asked him.

Sonny nodded. "Yes, but Sunny does not think you will like it."

A strange cold feeling crept up the back of my neck. "Why won't I like it? You didn't... you didn't find something out about my mom, did you?"

"No. Mama is the same as before. Silly-headed but the best baker. She does not make mistakes with baking. Sunny thinks Edith is a bad baker. She has many dark elements in her shop. Sunny knows them all except one. It is red and fuzzy looking."

"But I know that already. Everyone knows Edith uses dark elements in her desserts. What else are you holding back?" I asked.

Sunny sighed. "Sunny has been to The Golden Goose."

"Grayson's restaurant?" I asked, surprised.

"Yes. Grayson is Mama's son. Sunny does not want to think anything bad of him."

"Why would you think anything bad about Grayson?" I asked.

"Sunny was hiding under a table. A man came in. A human man."

The cold I'd felt pricking at the back of my neck moved to my spine.

"Sunny did not like the human man. His aura was dark."

"Did you get his name?" I asked.

"Damon Tellinger."

The name didn't sound familiar to me. I knew all the humans in Mistmoor Point, or at least I thought I did.

"What did they talk about?" I asked.

"Sunny heard Grayson say that he owes the man money. The man was angry Grayson has not paid him. He seeks revenge."

The blood drained from my face.

"You're not serious?! You must have misunderstood. Grayson's restaurant is doing great. Why would he owe anyone money?"

Sunny shrugged. "Sunny does not know. The conversation was short."

I sat with a frown on my face, trying to think of a logical explanation but coming up with nothing. Sunny jumped into my lap and purred until my heart began to beat normally again. He always had a soothing effect on me.

"Thank you, Sunny." I set him down and got some Kibble Tuna. "Sunny gets extra tuna tonight."

"Sunny likes Kibble Tuna," he said through mouthfuls of treats. I laid down to take a nap, hoping that when I woke up this would all be a dream.

When I awoke later, the sun was going down. Instead of the nap clearing my head, it had managed to create a thundering headache that seemed to be trying to eat my right eyeball. I'd managed to sleep away the day without feeling rested. And I wasn't any closer to an answer than I was before.

I went downstairs and slipped into my sandals. The beaches were always beautiful at sunset. I hoped they would help the vice my head was trapped in right now. I wandered along the shoreline, watching the colors change in the sky. Purples and pinks mixed with blues and yellows. Everything seemed in harmony.

Why couldn't my life reflect that same harmony right now?

I churned over everything that Sunny had told me. I couldn't believe Grayson might have had anything to do with this, but if he was in trouble... Maybe Damon Tellinger, whoever he was, had tried to get even with Grayson by hurting our mother.

I knew Grayson would be angry, but I had to ask him about it. Cakes and Creations was still closed, and if it stayed closed much longer, our mother would have no business left when she awoke. We were losing money every day and soon there would be nothing left.

One way or another, I had to get Grayson to tell me what he knew. No matter how unpleasant it might be.

* * *

Cozy Mystery: Cake Spell Disaster (A Haven Witch Woman Sleuths Book) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now