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Porsha 11:10 pm

" i stayed at my moms place i was taking a nap when i got a phone call hella messages from Terence mom which now I'm nervous "

" Hello ? .. TM: get to the hospital NOW TERRANCE CAR WAS SHOT UP WITH AALIYAH IN IT ! .. " i immediately ran out the door scared panicking words couldn't explain rn I'm just praying my baby is ok lord " .. " i called Kim "

" i was crying barley can get words out at then point " .. Kim Terence car got shot up with Aaliyah in it I'm omw to hospital i hung up she got the memo! .. then i called my mama " Mom: Oh Lord I'm On my way! Porsha !

" i prayed my whole way to the hospital because i don't know what I'll do if i lose my baby girl she all i had when i made it to the hospital i got out ran in the emergency room a woman tried to stop me "

WHERE IS MY CHILD ! .. Nurse: Ma'am i need you to calm down i can't help you if ion know ! .. where is my baby !!! .. " they was trynna stop me from going towards the back but i wasn't taking no chances i need my baby NOW !!!!" " then Terence mom walked around the corner "

MsT: calm down baby she's with me nurse .. what's going on I'm her mother i should know ! .. MsT: Ik baby let them do they job to save her !! " she held me tight as i cried then my mama ran through the door " .. M: oh Porsha baby what they say what's going on !! .. idk mama they want let me back there with my child ! .. MST: what i was told by Terrance friend that he pulled up at his house to chill with him and that Aaliyah play with his daughter and a car pulls up and starts shooting idk how many time they was shot idk anything my son is suffering as well ! .. but my CHILD wouldn't be in this if it wasn't for Terrance he was supposed to protect her come on man !

Kim: Porsha what's happen girl what they say !! .. idk anything rn ! " i seen Chris & August walk in which we wasn't on speaking terms just too much going on I'm finna lose it fr !

Doctor : hey which one is Aaliyah mother ? .. that's me is my baby ok ? .. " he stop & paused which that wasn't good from any doctor at all i could fear the worse and this the day that my LIFE CHANGED FOREVER !

D: I'm sorry she didn't make it !! " i busted out crying going down to the floor my mama caught me and held me !! .. MAMA NOOOO !!! No no no not my baby !!!! NOOOOO MAMAMAMAMA

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