chapter 17

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At a cafe located outside of the Guild of Orario, a beautiful woman sat staring aimlessly as adventurers went about their business. Seated across from her was a handsome gentleman with a fervent expression as he made an earnest effort to try and earn her attention.

The woman sighed in her mind. Listening to the feeble attempts of the fool across from her, she began to wonder why she had allowed him to accompany her in the first place. As a God, his looks were pleasing to the eye, but after a time she had grown bored with his company.

As the fool drolled on endlessly, she continued to stare at the various adventures. It had become a past time of hers to seek out those with talent, and she often spent her free time observing any newcomers entering and exiting the establishment. Unlike the seemingly unchanging Gods she often associated with, she had gained an appreciation for the seemingly endless variations of mortals. To her, they were the only excitement in the perpetuity of her life. She especially liked those with unique souls harboring untold potential for growth.

She grew progressively more dissatisfied with the company of her fellow God and began to ignore him entirely. Just as she was about to dismiss him and conclude her hobby for the day, she noticed a peculiarity within the flow of people. There stood a young boy, garbed in black attire from head to toe. Compared the vibrancy of the rest of the crowd, he stood out as he began moving further down the street almost as if opposing the flow of everyone else. Ordinarily, she would dismiss his existence as a mild anomaly that lacked tact and common sense, but for reasons uncertain, she continued to follow the boy with her eyes.

Sensing the change in atmosphere, the male God followed the sight of the Goddess he was trying to woo. There he observed an unkempt boy barely considered a young man. The boy was garbed in a black tunic that seemed to absorb the light, whereas the rest of his clothing was simply tacky and soiled.

Testing the waters he looked towards the Goddess and spoke. "He his dressed rather...interestingly, isn't he? I wonder how he can walk so calmly through the crowd dressed in such a foolish outfit. Maybe he is trying to become a clown?" he laughed at his own joke.

Hearing the abrasive sound, the female Goddess flinched before scornfully turning towards the foolish God.

"You may leave. I've grown bored with your company. Perhaps you should consider evaluating yourself before you so carelessly speak of others."

Angered by the admonishment he experienced, the God stood up before lashing out. "Freya, don't think you're so much better than everyone else just because your Familia is a little bit bigger. We don't all have the same 'benefits' to provide our children."

A gleam passed through the eyes of Freya as she sized up the insect in front of her. "Oh? You make it sound like you weren't wishing to enjoy those same 'benefits'. You must feel so inferior that mortals are able to experience something you'll never be able to obtain."

"Y-y-you! How dare you insult me in such a manner!?" he shouted.

Freya looked directly into his eyes and waited for several breaths before speaking. "Do you perhaps wish for a 'War'?"

The male God immediately stopped any words that were able to leave his throat. He stared into the eyes of Freya and saw the seriousness contained within. With cold sweat dripping down his back, he bowed slightly towards her in his most gentlemanly manner.

"I spoke out of turn. If you'll please excuse me, I have other matters to attend." Without waiting for her response he immediately left the private booth, desperate to escape the pressure of the gaze at his back.

Freya continued to watch as he exited the room. She made a special note to have Ottarl disappear some of the foolish Gods' children in the near future.

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